Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [unc] [noun] [v-ing] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In their view , the effects of employees ’ coalitions keeping wages artificially ‘ high ’ or of employers ' coalitions keeping them artificially ‘ low ’ needs to be fully analysed .
2 But even as he prayed he could hear the voice of William 's grandad berating him from under the lid of the closed coffin .
3 We liked to think that this was one of Rona 's sentinels seeing us off the premises .
4 The council houses , of fudge-coloured brick , stood in two rows and a horseshoe shape with a screen of Leyland 's cypress hiding them from the village .
5 Anybody trying to bring about a major transformation in a science must direct attention to the facts as he sees them : to a herbalist in the tradition of Culpeper it was an important fact that a particular herb was collected under a waxing or a waning moon ; for one of Liebig 's pupils analysing it this was not a relevant fact at all .
6 The last thing you need Saturday is to be surrounded by a load of Job 's Comforters telling you their troubles and explaining how hard and harsh life can be .
7 Charlotte was aware of Golding 's eyes watching her closely to gauge her reaction .
8 The problem was that I could not be sure if this was your true feeling for me , or just your terror of Mathilde 's ghosts making you cling to me in that delightful and extremely inflammatory fashion .
9 Seasons : At an altitude of 2,475′ ( 750m ) , this mountain crag faces NE and gets morning sunshine , with the top third of Titan 's Wall receiving it in the evening .
10 Substantial reasons for setting up this service are absent from the Department of Health 's letter announcing it , which refers to ‘ anecdotal evidence ’ and says that ‘ experience suggests that many people would prefer to attend a clinic separate from other services . ’
11 Or was it ? she wondered , her memory reaching out to the feel of Silas 's arms holding her against him , and to his lips resting upon her own .
12 She well knew Richard Sharpe 's reluctance to dance , which was why she had been surprised when the message came from the Prince of Orange 's headquarters informing her that Lieutenant-Colonel Sharpe would be attending His Royal Highness at the Duchess of Richmond 's ball , in anticipation of which His Royal Highness took pleasure in enclosing a ticket for Madame la Vicomtesse de Seleglise .
13 Had it not been for Pam 's voice cajoling him onward and upward , he would have given up the struggle .
14 It was just lucky that I spotted it in time and did something about it at such an early age , or God knows what the child might have turned into , with Saul 's soul possessing him .
15 She found herself swept off the bed and across to the long sash window , then stood on her feet with Roman 's warmth supporting her from behind , his arms wrapped around her .
16 She had had a letter from Edwin 's solicitor asking her to come to his office the following day .
17 ABA light heavyweight champion Anthony Todd , of Darlington , travels to the second of the three Olympic qualifying tournaments in Berck sur Mer hoping he 'll follow in the footsteps of Scarborough 's Paul Ingle , who qualified for Barcelona at the previous tournament in Denmark .
18 Liz had felt herself to be close to Naomi , as she nursed Naomi 's children , slept with Naomi 's husband , took tea or sherry with Naomi 's parents , helped to form the childish letters which her stepchildren wrote to Naomi 's parents thanking them for presents , for outings .
19 What a ruthless bastard he was , she found herself thinking , the pain on Stephanie 's face touching her despite the other girl 's undisguised hatred .
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