Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] they should be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 And he does not compare the questions themselves in respect of what lies behind them — making them ones which we can , or can not , easily ‘ see through ’ — or in respect of how they should be answered .
2 Companies wishing to enter should send details , covering no more a single sheet of paper , of why they should be considered , along with a copy of the latest set of accounts to Marion Green at Grant Thornton , 1-4 Atholl Crescent , Edinburgh EH3 8LQ to arrive by 22 February .
3 Consequently , it is suggested that private citizens have difficulty with the forms , both in understanding what they say and in how they should be filled in , and with the hearings , which can be legalistic .
4 The skills required to do this work are varied and often complicated and , more importantly , there is uncertainty on the part of teachers as to how they should be taught .
5 There was virtually universal acceptance of the proposal to include core skills in the new qualifications , although we found a wide diversity of views as to how they should be incorporated .
6 It is clear that science will advance more efficiently if theories are so structured as to contain within them fairly clear clues and prescriptions as to how they should be developed and extended .
7 Given the rambling terms of reference , and the clash of opinion between its members as to how they should be interpreted , the Commission would have faced a bumpy ride at the best of times .
8 It is also no surprise that there should be fierce debate within the Community as to when they should be allowed to do so .
9 Check with your local water company — there are strict rules about how they should be fitted .
10 Aggression , sleeping rough , unstable sexual relationships , heavy drinking , fighting , loud and lewd behaviour , the actions that you see men performing every day on our city streets , can all go against women when decisions are being taken about where they should be sent .
11 It came in a stone mug , deliciously cold and wiping out in one mouthful the heat of the morning and the traces of last night 's headache ( he wondered briefly how the Engineer regiment was getting on in its battle positions ; by now they should be dug in and pausing for sips of lukewarm water or barely warmer tea .
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