Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [pron] [verb] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 She cursed herself for stating the obvious , wished she had taken more note of where they had brought her .
2 If , however , you do not know who this person is , or might be , it would be more helpful if we were to give some indication of why we have introduced her into the conversation .
3 She showed immediate enthusiasm and , well , one thing led to another and before long I had invited her and her family to come over to Tintagel to meet Dawn and see her fly .
4 Besides , her arms were still on fire from where he had lifted her and her nipples still burned from that brief contact with his chest .
5 Sunday had been wonderful , a lovely warm , lazy day , but since then he had treated her as just another member of the team , being quite natural and friendly and polite , but without any hint of intimacy .
6 He put the candle-holder down on it , then turned towards her , and before she could stop him he gave her a kiss so gentle that it hardly registered , and she stared at him , wide-eyed , put her hand to where he had saluted her , and said huskily , ‘ No , ’ although what she meant by that neither he nor she knew .
7 Since when he 'd left her alone again , and Dolly was having to put up with the April breeze .
8 She could n't stop thinking about Nicolo , about how he 'd treated her , not just last night but moments before .
9 She blew it and at least we 've given her somewhere out of the cold .
10 One thing she had to say about Dad , at least he had prepped her for the world she was going to have to live in .
11 But at least he had released her from that disturbing contact with his wide , strong chest and firm encircling arms , and the physical contact between them had brought one thing home to her very clearly — such a thing must definitely not happen again , or these next months would be utterly impossible .
12 Well , at least he 'd brought her home .
13 Although that session had not given any indication of why her water phobia had begun , at least it had shown her that there was a time before it existed .
14 I sent a junior nurse in there with them to referee , but I expect by now they 've got her pinned to the wall , ’ Kath told him .
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