Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] should be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Courses are at present being run in London ( usually at Quintin School ) , the South West ( either at Dartmouth or Weston-Super-Mare ) , the North West ( Cheadle ) and in Edinburgh , Norfolk also run further training sessions ( details for which should be obtained from the Norfolk trainers ) .
2 His zeal for the American design had even extended to the suggestion that a batch of them should be sold to the Shah of Iran .
3 The audience and readership profiles of the various media will help to ermine which of them should be included on your list 1 which can be safely left out .
4 This approach consists of three principal phases ( systems evaluation , compliance testing and tests of detail ) , each of which should be supported by working papers .
5 Start with a length of about seven metres of wire , precisely half of which should be spooled onto a shuttle thin enough to pass through the centre of the toroid .
6 If the property is subject to a first mortgage and is , for instance , to be conveyed from the husband to the wife , subject to a charge being given in favour of the husband to secure a fixed sum , the husband will have to be satisfied with the security of a second charge , notice of which should be served on the first mortgagee .
7 This theme emerged when Peltier ( 1950 ) identified nine different and possible morphogenetic regimes each of which should be distinguished by a characteristic assemblage of geomorphic processes .
8 When you arrive at the area you 've chosen , a useful first stop is the local windsurfing shop , the address of which should be advertised in the windsurfing press .
9 They include allowances for site clearance , Architects ' and Surveyors ' fees , walls , gates , fences and , where appropriate , a brick-built garage — all of which should be included in your sum insured . )
10 One farm had received £150,000 from the oil fund , and nine claims were being dealt with , three of which should be paid as advance hardship payments today .
11 Egan recommends that an interview should follow a logical course , the process of which should be controlled by the interviewer .
12 For the first dose , the bottle should be succussed 8–12 times , and one tablespoonful of it should be diluted with half a glass of water .
13 He said part of it should be kept as a monument .
14 But , in proceedings of this nature the general rule is that , where a committal order has been made , any further application in respect of it should be made to the judge who made the order , whether that application is in the nature of an apology by the contemnor or an application to reopen the proceedings by reason of the availability of fresh evidence or some other ground where no error of the court at the hearing is alleged .
15 And , ideally , part of it should be dappled in shade to provide shelter on those really hot sunny days that we 've experienced in recent summers .
16 as if by way of explanation that a cousin of hers should be married to a bailiff , she now added , ‘ My cousin was very young when she married .
17 The decade closed with the publication in 1959 of the Crowther Report : the work of the Central Advisory Council established by the 1944 Act which endorsed the principle of specialization within the sixth form and related it to a high vision of what should be represented by that most English of institutions .
18 Because clearly in in debating this policy I think a number of the districts have also raised diff different points of interest in terms of what should be recognized as exceptional development and we we went down that that road a couple of years ago and unfortunately the districts came to the conclusion that it was n't appropriate to try and list the exceptional circumstances .
19 McCreery had already by the afternoon of that day recognised that the question of what should be done about the Croats posed a particular problem .
20 McCall 's injury has returned because of the insufficient recovery time between matches and the Rangers ' secretary/director , Campbell Ogilvie , is now investigating the matter of what should be done about the free Saturday that has been left in the programme before Scotland 's next World Cup qualifying tie , against Portugal on 28 April .
21 As to the more serious matter of the Boardman Tasker Award , I 'm as perplexed as Ed on the question of what should be done with it .
22 The defection and death of Richard and John Neville therefore reopened the question of how royal authority could best be exercised in the north , as well as raising the issue of what should be done with the Neville connection , which was now leaderless .
23 The defection and death of Richard and John Neville therefore reopened the question of how royal authority could best be exercised in the north , as well as raising the issue of what should be done with the Neville connection , which was now leaderless .
24 On the desirability or otherwise of a comprehensive list of what should be done at each level , the best way to proceed is for there to be a presumption , effectively , that matters are best dealt with at national level unless it can be shown that that is better done at Community level .
25 Caressing it , I absorbed the message about who should be beaten at all cost : the English .
26 And you , our loyal Super Sport readers , can make your own choice about who should be honoured in The People 's British Star of Sport 1992 merit awards .
27 The board ( the managing partners ) makes the decisions about who should be admitted to the partnership , who removed , what their share should be and so on , but there is complex mutual control over this group .
28 The Bill requires the development corporation to operate the barrage so that the water immediately behind it should be maintained at a level between 4 m and 4.5 m above ordnance datum except in certain circumstances defined in the Bill .
29 HP-style credit is really money lent to buy things — and credit agreements which left the lenders any rights to take possession of things bought under them should be seen as if those things had been bought on mortgage ( ‘ chattel mortgages ’ ) ;
30 Is there any distinction to be drawn between the words required to be spoken by a constable ( a ) acting pursuant to section 7(3) of the Act and ( b ) acting pursuant to section 8(2) thereof , after the suspect has been told , in the latter case , of his right to claim that the breath specimen taken from him should be replaced by a blood or urine specimen ?
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