Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] i [modal v] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When should the caseworker say , " this is too complex for me I must pass the case on ! " ?
2 The truth is that I kept on having mental lapses , during which I could hear every word that was being spoken , understand the meaning of each word and even of some phrases , but could n't make these disparate utterances add up to anything that made sense .
3 To escape this branding of myself as a bodily failure , I longed to be able to attach myself to an organisation stronger than myself , an association through which I could derive a feeling of physical achievement and personal status I would not otherwise possess .
4 Though I might , in working for a different future , find the struggle of women politically inspiring , I am unlikely to find a community in which women were not counted equal a medium through which I can gain a glimpse of God .
5 For each of these I then evolved time-limited discussion structures applying to the subject of disruption a simple group interaction method ( for which I would make no claims of originality ) , a process intended to maximize the chances of ‘ on-task ’ participation leading to clear definition and appreciation of areas of agreement and divergence and needs for further analysis or action .
6 By the next letter : ‘ I am planning a large and sumptuous ballet on fisherman and his soul , for which I shall use the Moussorgsky . ’
7 Apart from doing the job of Principal ( for which I shall need a lot of help from the Lord ) , and living as a Christian I do n't yet know what the Lord wants me to do out there .
8 He laughs again , and as the light is fading we walk back to the village , past small boys running hurdy-gurdies ; he teaching me plant names for which I can find no translation .
9 I have what to you may seem a small problem but one for which I can find no reason .
10 From where I was standing , far below me I could see a separate miniature fort linked to the mother fortress by an umbilical causeway .
11 In front of me I could see the dark shape of a summer-house and I moved towards it .
12 ‘ If you intend me to infer that she was pregnant , then for the life of me I can see no reason why you do n't actually say so .
13 Repressing it , on the other hand , would mean existing in a drab , twilight world of pretended affections out of which I could see no escape .
14 He saluted the coach and we drove through the gates and up a hill past the enormous parade ground at the far end of which I could see the Monument aux-Morts , the memorial to every dead legionnaire .
15 Of you I would make a fuss
16 At the sight of him I would smell the dust of the confessional and remember the mixture of boredom , shame and relief as I said my penances .
17 On the assumption that , you know , you 'd buy the cheap one , might and when you want to get rid of it I 'll buy the dear one .
18 Enough if I have shown that if we care to do so , we can illustrate the second as well as the first half of what I may call the Plowden proposition .
19 For instance Balibar ( 1970 , p. 214 ) writes that the ‘ double function ’ of the capitalist ( at once exploiter of labour power and organiser of production ) ‘ is an index of what I shall call the double nature of the division of labour in production ( the ‘ technical ’ division of labour and the ‘ social ’ division of labour ) . ’
20 Ahead of us I could hear the noise of the waterfall — there had been plenty of rain and when we arrived at the foss , the beck that eventually joins the Ure to travel down Wensleydale was hammering over the lip of the force .
21 ‘ Not to anybody lad , ’ came the reply , ‘ but for you I might make an exception . ’
22 Behind me I could hear the men calling again , " Hey , mister .
23 It is now most unusual for me to find anyone with whom I can have a knowledgeable chat about day and night netting .
24 ‘ You 'd hoped that after a love scene with you I 'd have no further interest in Rob .
25 With her I could do no wrong .
26 And they are quite happy to put up with what I would term the inconvenience of going there and back each day
27 ‘ The only circumstances in which I would anticipate the use of the remedies of certiorari and mandamus would be in the event , which I hope is unthinkable , of the panel acting in breach of the rules of natural justice — in other words , unfairly .
28 Here , for example , is Daniel Leech-Wilkinson reviewing in Early music an a cappella recording of chansons by Guillaume de Machaut ( a recording in which I can declare a special interest ) :
29 Using × 7 , Rho is in the same field as Sigma ( 4.5 ) which is of type F , but in which I can see no colour at all .
30 In initiating my original purchase I incur an obligation to make a payment in money , but I in turn have to have a source from which I can acquire the money in the first place , and this will , directly or indirectly , put me into at least a temporary relationship with a great variety of people , including the reader who purchased this book from a bookstall and paid out money , some small fraction of which will eventually find its way back to myself .
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