Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] and [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Basically , they wanted to write a press release about me and distribute it to all the local newspapers , Radio Cornwall , Television South West and the BBC regional news programme , Spotlight .
2 I composed a note for them and left it in the hall beside the phone .
3 It was hard to tell , at the moment , whether it would be moving at or away from him , but Sheikh , a patient and methodical child , looked ready to run after it and beat it to death on the boundary should this prove necessary .
4 Paragraphs ( a ) , ( b ) and ( c ) of the subsection all describe unilateral , though honest , acts of the appropriator , who takes the property for himself and treats it as his own .
5 After she had squeezed blood out of me and squirted it into little bottles , she said ‘ Thank you very much ’ — I thought ‘ That was n't so bad ’ and was halfway out the door when a nurse redirected me to a bed and rolled up my sleeve .
6 My voice was taut with anger as I pulled it out of the shelf in front of me and opened it on my knees .
7 He placed a little white enamel cup before each of them and filled it with strong black tea .
8 The Spirit who inspired their writing is perfectly well capable of taking some part of them and writing it on our hearts so that it becomes an inescapable pointer to a particular course of action .
9 Then , leaning forward , she picked an olive out of the glass dish in front of them and held it between thumb and forefinger .
10 By combining a fuller investigation of a text 's history with an awareness of new theoretical investigations into the structures of both culture and discourse , New Historicism has directly confronted the problem of how literature ‘ says something of something and says it to somebody ’ ( to recall Geertz 's formulation ) .
11 Why is n't these doctors that are condemning it and the pharmacists and so forth , together on a panel of something and expose it on T V or in the press that they condemn it .
12 He picked a newly constructed swatch of samples up from the desk in front of him and chucked it at Antinou , who caught the flopping thing one-handed and proceeded to fondle it familiarly .
13 There had been a steady diminution — since the operation — in his own interest in dentistry but she had tapped his experience out of him and collected it with care .
14 I remember I bought about 100 copies of it and sent it to various agents , bookers , and media .
15 She feels full of it and moulds it into a glowing ball deep within .
16 What I tried to teach people was that if we did n't increase the added value , but took more of it and put it in our pockets , the only place we could take it from was the glass marked reinvestment and that makes people unemployed quicker than anything — and permanently .
17 Stupidly she had n't looked further than the retrieving of it and returning it to Jonas Hamilton .
18 Replacing the wallet , he produced a gold pen , scribbled quickly on the back of it and handed it to Lisa .
19 I did n't care if it was raw , if the pangs of birth were ugly ; I wanted to be somewhere I would n't be defined by what I 'd been , where I could fashion a new notion of myself and impose it on others as the truth .
20 Now if you want to see something that 's up on a shelf at the side , ask one of the helpers wearing a red jersey and they 'll take it down for you and show it to you .
21 erm , you do n't like looking through it , but can I just look through for you and learn it for you .
22 Cos when you get your takeaway they erm they carry it to the door for you and give it to you when you get to the door , and they hand
23 We expect the people to be like them and presuppose it in dealing with the people themselves .
24 Folly grabbed a pillow from behind her and threw it at Luke , then saw his face change with sudden desire as the sheet slipped down to expose her breasts .
25 ‘ The Scots do n't look very … amusable , ’ drawled Georgie , picking a bit of 1,000-year-old stone off the wall behind him and aiming it at a tent-peg .
26 An outside cistern could be kept from freezing by hanging a light bulb near it and leaving it on all the time .
27 They seem designed to tap into an audience desire to atone for something and resolve it with a bumper sticker morality and a mushy climax .
28 I 've brought a bottle with me and put it in the fridge .
29 I could never remember how to do them , I mean if somebody , if someone sat with me and explained it to me and then I , and then I could do it , I would do
30 The police spokesman added : ‘ It is incredible that someone should carry so much cash around with them and leave it in a car .
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