Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] he [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He also found service with Peter des Roches , bishop of Winchester [ q.v. ] , a leading political rival of Langton and Poer , whom Elias none the less assisted with the foundation of monastic houses in Selborne and Titchfield , and for whom he subsequently acted as executor .
2 But I would make clear to Mr if he looks at the minutes of the budget review sub-committee , that the suggestion of the director of property services wastes his time fully exploring all options for the disposal of all or any part of the County Farms estate , for which he probably asks for a large amount of money , since it involves an enormous amount of wasted time , is not been agreed , it 's a non-delegated item , it was a recommendation of this committee which has not been moved at this committee , and it was a most unfortunate and woolly form of words .
3 Some of them he still keeps as ornaments .
4 He refused to compromise in any way and , throughout his long association with the club , only mastered two words in English , both of which he frequently practised on referees .
5 He does not require an imperative to make him avoid the sickness from the thought of which he already shrinks in nausea ; what he has to force himself to do is hold on to the fact that sickness is the likely outcome of yielding to temptation .
6 Another aspect of Tom Gibson 's many-faceted talents was his love of music and poetry , both of which he also practised with an original and humorous flair .
7 He had , however , a natural ability with a penny-whistle , of which he had a great number , one of which he always carried in his pocket .
8 In the Macdonald household at Armadale , he asked questions busily and settled himself to a general spirit of enquiry , the fruits of which he then presents in his Journey .
9 Vic stepped to the centre of what he evidently regarded as his stage .
10 Nizan 's theory of revolutionary literature is based on a rejection of what he globally designates as " classicism " .
11 Fraser-Smith was a vigorous defender of the tribe 's right to live in the Serengeti national park , but deplored the moran system and worked hard in the face of what he repeatedly referred to as their ‘ stultifying conservatism ’ to make the Masai appreciate the benefits of modern ranching .
12 He began to run towards the car , but the ground heaved under him and he fell sprawling , a few centimetres from the head of what he now guessed to be the Worm .
13 He looked away , momentarily overcome by the strength of what he still felt for her , then forced himself to be insistent .
14 His first book , War and Trade in the West Indies , 1739–1763 ( 1936 ) , a tour de force based on immense research , was infused throughout by his pursuit of what he once declared to be his prime interest in history — ‘ to find out how things worked ’ .
15 ‘ Jackie Jones might n't hesitate to run to Sister about something he only overheard by chance .
16 In this new show , he has shared curatorial responsibility with his old partner Christos Joachimides with whom he also worked on the German art show ( 1987 , London and Stuttgart ) , and earlier , ‘ A New Spirit in Painting ’ ( 1980–81 , Berlin and London ) .
17 In Richard 's case one of these older men was the late Tony Richardson , the film director , with whom he later worked in California .
18 Although some years later he was to describe the kind of people with whom he now associated in a less than enthusiastic manner , it was really only in such company that he could feel any sense of purposefulness .
19 He never lost the affection and respect of the bank manager Fred Elt whose portrait he painted and with whom he occasionally dined at Elt 's basement flat in Gloucester Place , on one occasion taking Susan Einzig with him .
20 In fact long before the last five years he was copiously producing more or less fantastical inventions with which he comprehensively worked through a natural flair for parody , irony and offbeat musical humour .
21 There was none of the carelessness with which he usually waited for Twomey to bring him his glass .
22 While Milton grappled with two telephones hung from a sort of yoke around his neck and into which he alternately spoke in a staccato mixture of best Variety showbiz-patter , friends , clients and droppers-in gathered to laugh and gossip in his office while Milton imperviously went on with his wheeling and dealing .
23 He told me that before I had come to live with him he never listened to the radio for fear of hearing a song she had liked to sing or a piece of piano music she used to play .
24 After moulding GE so decisively , Mr Welch is determined to transform its culture and organisation into what he awkwardly describes as a ‘ boundary-less ’ company .
25 Senna struggled for a long time with what he later described as an undriveable car and he collided with Germany 's Michael Schumacher after 40 of the 72 laps .
26 Senna struggled for a long time with what he later described as an undriveable car and he collided with Germany 's Michael Schumacher after 40 of the 72 laps .
27 The tie he had unearthed from the neglected depths of his jacket pocket was badly creased and stained with what he strongly suspected to be taramosalata .
28 When the male wasp spies it , he wastes no time in the attempt to mate with what he clearly takes to be a female of his own kind .
29 Baldwin then immediately left the meeting with what he self-mockingly described as ‘ hauteur ’ .
30 He could n't reconcile those terrible uncontrolled cries he had heard in the night with anything he already knew of his mother .
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