Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] it be [prep] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 That is no more what it is like to be a bat than the following is a good picture of what it is like to see colour : use an instrument to measure the wavelength of the light that is entering your eye : if it is long , you are seeing red , if it is short you are seeing violet or blue .
2 Have they any idea of what it is like to re-tune at 70-plus miles an hour ?
3 We have no mental conception of what it is like to perceive the world through antennae .
4 It 's a question that their parents may also be unable to answer , so it 's important that students be given some idea of what it 's like to earn one 's living creatively as early as possible , and so help dispel some of the fear and disbelief that discussions about this ‘ odd ’ way of working always seem to produce .
5 Asquith 's début feature is fascinating both because its setting in a bustling film studio gives some impression of what it was like to shoot a picture in Britain at the end of the silent era , and because of what it argues as the future for British films .
6 Apart from the influence of many young voters who have no memory of what it was like to live under a Labour government , the biggest thing going for Labour in this election is an Englishman 's sense of fair play .
7 Figures about child labour in coal mines in the nineteenth century , or about evacuation of children in the Second World War , do not begin to give any impression of what it was like to work in a coal mine or to be evacuated .
8 An alternative to this type of full-scale reconstruction is the type of reconstruction used at the Jorvik Centre in York , where special effects , including sounds and smells , give visitors an impression of what it was like to walk through York in the Viking era .
9 This was to keep alive , in boys whose privileged background might have encouraged complacent acceptance rather than active pursuit of power , a keen appreciation of what it was like to have it , and what it was like to be without it .
10 It is probably impossible to recapture with any approach to accuracy or completeness the atmosphere of a past age but , happily , in the 1930s a former member of the Edenderry congregation left an account of what it was like to grow up in that distant time .
11 But let us begin instead with Héléne Cixous 's remarkable account of what it was like to grow up as an Algerian French Jewish girl at that time :
12 I had no conception of what it was like to play for an honest-to-god institution until Walter put me straight .
13 But all were agreed that her insight into what it 's like to work in space was fascinating .
14 I think Casualty was very much engaged with what it was like to live under Thatcherism .
15 Niki has ‘ written ’ a whole book on what it is like to drive for Ferrari .
16 People in Britain tend to have strong feelings about what it is like to live in rural or urban areas .
17 Flupper tells them its story : not just what happened , but also about what it is like to live on Positos VI PH .
18 At that point I was just satisfying my curiosity about what it was like to make records . ’
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