Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] it [be] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The congestion caused by their hurried , and sometimes vengefully random , parking is a source of great aggravation to Prague 's citizens , for whom it is a major talking point of the emigration crisis .
2 Fannie Mae is hardly a household name outside Washington , where it lobbies fiercely , and Wall Street , for whom it is a big client .
3 The size of the fee was set and reviewed periodically by the government , for whom it was a useful source of leverage in the informal manoeuvrings typical of government — broadcaster relations .
4 Instead , governments were able to get away with lending fleets of military transport planes and the real benefactors were the armed forces for whom it was a giant PR exercise and useful practice .
5 Right , er another situation where there 's men and women differences is in multilingual communities , er you find that men and women 's attitudes to varieties or language varieties or languages can carry so some men will try and avoid using one of their languages because they see it as a low prestige variety whereas some women will use it because for them it 's a high prestige variety .
6 For them it 's the latest … possbily the last great mountain challenge … three years ago they reached the top of Mount Kilimanjaro … two years ago they made for Mont Blanc and the Alps …
7 For them it was an intuitive idealisation of justice and well-being .
8 For Camus the sky was a source of sustenance that he could draw on at will ; for me it is a thwarted promise , yearned for and glimpsed against the odds .
9 For me it is the saddest part .
10 For me it 's a first but I now hope to breed some more .
11 ‘ Listen , ’ said the pig , ‘ for you it 's just an offering — for me it 's a real sacrifice ’ .
12 But for me it 's the smaller scale works that really succeed : Harle 's enjoyable arrangement of Ellington/Mills 's Caravan for example is more like an Intercity 125 than a rolling camel train , while the exoticism of Isfahan ( from the ‘ Far East Suite ’ — available on RCA Bluebird , by the way ) is all but drowned in the sweet smell of strings ; compare to Ellington 's original spicy reeds !
13 For me it 's the bass amp . ’
14 One man described the horrors of the experience : ‘ For me it was a smutty , furtive affair in which I was lucky to get a stiffy , as they say .
15 It ca n't have been very pleasant for the sand-martin , but for me it was a magical moment ; to possess , momentarily , such a beautiful , wild creature .
16 For me it was a good thing to get married young because by the time I got into show business the marriage was already solid .
17 The journey must have been a torment for them , though for me it was a merciful chaos of trudging along muddy roads , of running for shelter from German fighter planes , of waking in the cart caked with snow while my mother and grandmother strained at the shafts .
18 For me it was a welcome challenge at the time and , in retrospect , I enjoyed it .
19 John took it coolly enough , but for me it was the tenderest agony , particularly at first .
20 At that time , the star was passing through a phase during which it was a red supergiant , a class of star which commonly ejects a shell of gas in the form of a ‘ stellar wind ’ .
21 It has some effects , not obviously related , on coughing ( for which it is a useful suppressant ) and on the bowels ( where it causes inconvenient constipation ) .
22 The commander of an East Indiamen might bring home with him 38 tons of cargo , his chief mate was allowed eight tons , the second officer six tons , and the remaining officers in decreasing proportion , but for all of them it was an important part of their remuneration .
23 I thought it was twenty five percent of their it 's a big sum anyway .
24 It is as objective as the object of which it is a perspectival appearance .
25 It arises directly out of the " no conflict " rule , of which it is a logical consequence ; if a director can not keep the benefit he would obtain were he to take advantage of his position , he will not be tempted to take advantage .
26 Thus , the FIATA freight forwarder is not generally the actual carrier of the goods , although it can carry the cargo in vehicles or vessels it owns or has leased or of which it is the designated operator .
27 Yet recognition of the anti-Vietnamese resistance coalition , of which it is the dominant partner , will be maintained at the United Nations next week .
28 So far as its origin is concerned , we shall take it as a factor in organic evolution , and shall content ourselves with pointing out certain more primitive features of which it is the natural development .
29 The state of a living cell is a direct reflection of the state of its host 's metabolism and its nature no different from that of the organism of which it is an integral part .
30 The rest of Rutland , of which it was the administrative as well as commercial hub , was measurably richer at £6.5 per capita , the slight tendency to a concentration of wealth at the top of the town community being offset by an exceptionally high proportion ( for this shire ) of labourers and poor men .
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