Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] the [noun pl] [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Through me the defendants tender their sincere apologies to the plaintiff for the distress she was caused by the publication of the article . ’
2 This passage illustrates in a vivid way the fact that the arrangements the judges have made with the Inns are merely the machinery through which the judges perform what remains a judicial duty , and also how decisions on rights of audience are different from decisions on call to the Bar .
3 This view puts the dynamic of police racism in the norms and values through which the police define their roles and legitimate their activities .
4 This is the only crime for which the judges concede there is sufficient evidence .
5 Thucydides writes with feeling : he complains in his own person in book v ( 68 ) of the secrecy with which the Spartans conduct their affairs , which meant that no one knew how many Spartans there were at the first battle of Mantinea in 418 .
6 ‘ It 's like climbing a five-bar gate wearing skis , ’ said Nicky , ‘ but if the ice collapses under you the skis support your weight .
7 He also stressed that NATO must " seek out areas of complementarity with the other bodies within which the allies find themselves together in Europe " , notably the European Communities ( EC ) and the CSCE , to which he accorded particular importance as " the only place where all European countries can meet " .
8 The way in which the teams organise their work will be one focus of analysis : another will be the teams ' differing locations ( in observatories or universities ) , and the extenbhich their designs are influenced , not only by ‘ scientific goals ’ , but also by their perceptions of other important ‘ reference groups ’ ( eg other users , or committees considering the design of later facilities ) .
9 Much interest , it is argued , lies in the ways in which the students justify their own versions in terms of their expectations about well-formedness in narrative .
10 Such an agreement may in political terms be the only way out of the impasse in which the teachers find themselves .
11 I fully support it , and I believe it is an option for those schools who have Local Education Authorities that are not progressing in the way in which the parents think they should .
12 The ‘ happy ’ ending in which the Toons inherit their own ghetto is in some ways positive , but the Toons remain happy infants — has anyone ever tried to imagine the bedroom scenes of Roger and Jessica ?
13 In G. v. Chief Constable for Stroud the Divisional Court made the point that in deciding whether or not the constable 's decision was a reasonable one , full allowance must be made for the circumstances in which the police find themselves in emergencies .
14 This dramatic change is part of the cat 's mood-signalling system , but it is only one way in which the eyes change their expression .
15 I mentioned earlier the finding that ( from as early as the second year of life ) boys are , on average , more aggressive than girls ; and there are also differences in the way in which the sexes express their hostility .
16 The way in which the pupils view their peers has powerful overtones .
17 The hive consists of a series of vertical , wax honeycombs in which the bees store their food and r ear their offspring .
18 ( The velum is the technical name for the soft palate. ) 3 On the other hand , classifying consonants according to the manner in which the organs articulate them , one can distinguish eight main classes ( Jones 1909 ) : Affricate Resembling a plosive but with separation of the articulating organs performed less quickly , with the resulting fricative sound during the process of separation , eg / / .
19 It deals with major negotiating items that have not been settled at the RSJC and in recent years has been the forum in which the unions present their annual pay claims .
20 The tubers , bulbs or corms are the food organs from which the plants obtain their nourishment .
21 Quite apart from what the organisers tell him of their intentions , he may have sources of information that have a bearing on how he comes to a conclusion about predicted outcomes .
22 Look instead for a degree of suppleness in the fabric and the extent to which the colours alter their intensity when viewed from different angles ; the more readily they submit to subtle changes in the direction of the light source , the more likely it is that good quality silk has been used .
23 Most bee hives nowadays are made by humans , and the vertical shelves on which the bees build their combs are built so that they can be slid in and out of the hive .
24 Multiculturalists ( for whom the important task is to encourage harmonious and tolerant cultural diversity ) adjust their view according to what the leaders tell them .
25 We can see that the widespread strategy of programmed learning is the means by which the genes tell their dim-witted couriers when and what to learn ( how else could an insect reason it out ? ) and then what to do with the knowledge thus obtained .
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