Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [Wh det] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is a mantra-like quality about them which creates an atmosphere of stillness and contemplation , and even those who are not used to prayer or formal liturgy are readily moved by them to devotion .
2 The part of me which made the mistake with the buck , letting it get the better of me for a moment , might still be around if that acid test had n't found it out .
3 More precisely , it is the conception of something which has the nature assigned to it above all by the independent nomic conditional ( 5 ) .
4 Indeed , ‘ reward ’ is a rather weak description of something which has the appearance of a deliberate partition of authority .
5 Indeed , ‘ reward ’ is a rather weak description of something which has the appearance of a deliberate partition of authority .
6 But Maggie had heard him draw notes out of it which rent the air with their sadness , and through his music she 'd seen a side of him he 'd kept hidden from the world .
7 This sort of message I take to mean we must generally curb our excesses , get back to nature and question the use of anything which threatens the environment .
8 A central light fitting can be used , but the light that will help you most will be the light behind you which illuminates the face of the person speaking .
9 ‘ When we led 12-11 we had three free kicks against us which took the momentum out of our play . ’
10 He was looking for something which immobilised the car and gave an audible warning if it was broken into . ’
11 It is not hard to see how permission can be conceived as something which throws the action permitted into the future : one generally gets permission first and then performs the action permitted after .
12 In the Structure Plan and in all earlier discussion , land was seen as something which provides a location for industry , for the population employed in and as a consequence of that industry and for the services necessary for that population .
13 There a friend and colleague of mine , Jim Hartle , worked out with me what conditions the universe must satisfy if space-time had no boundary .
14 Did the rhipidistias evolve into a creature with an internal bladder , or into one which possessed a diaphragm-type of breathing mechanism ?
15 In the former the ideas of theology seek to transform concrete experience into something which transcends the material world and sees abstract forces within material objects .
16 I think it was my time with him which explains an incident which took place thirty years later .
17 Erm on the er process check list , erm a difference from ourselves which does the affect the price of group three , which we purposefully left out , they have quoted er a price for a soils investigation .
18 Using this very image , Locke dwells on the thought at greater length , and provides a sharp contrast to the opinion of our own day , that unlimited scientific research is a valuable end in itself which needs no justification .
19 But this idea of care in the locality is little different from one which follows the need for an effective division of labour to be adopted by health maintenance organizations .
20 Now that his face had regained its shape she saw a seriousness in it which implied a steadiness she liked .
21 Art historians may be interested in anything which requires the use of one 's eyes in order to understand it , from Chartres Cathedral and Michelangelo 's Moses to the signs and symbols of everyday life in twentieth-century society , and they may find the objects of their study anywhere from the sale rooms to the archaeologist 's excavation trench .
22 What was it about him which prevented the realization of his ambition ?
23 Listening to the conversation in which Midnight had no part , she felt a sudden pity for him which increased the sense of gratitude already there , and was slightly surprised when the foppish Randall asked him a direct question :
24 But there was something about her which forbade the crudity .
25 I believe we should look at our , I think a hundred and ten vehicles , very carefully for safety checks because we do have tail lifts on them which closes the use , if there 's a wheelchair as an emergency exit .
26 look , look , may I put it this way , we 're in the directive of being able to point to something which permits the Secretary of State to delegate the function , that what 's it for
27 Unfortunately another possibility occurred to her which drove the question of chivalry out of her mind .
28 The appeal to human rights , which has provided the primary motive power behind freedom movements throughout the world , has a non-discardable moral aspect to it which denies the relativist stance .
29 What we 're doing is showing them the colour of light , the hydrogen spectrum that 's given off and asking them to make some measurements on it which give a clue to the nature of what is happening in hydrogen .
30 She had about her the rich glow of a woman who excelled at everything which constituted a woman 's work .
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