Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [pers pn] [be] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Local authorities now have four main sources of funds for capital expenditure : borrowing , which is subject to approval by central government ; capital grants , also from central government , which will specify the purposes for which they are to be used , and the amount the local authority must itself contribute ; capital receipts , from the sale of assets such as land and council houses , though the local authorities must first set aside 50% of these receipts ( 75% in the case of council house sales ) towards repaying their debts ; and ordinary revenue from the Community Charge , etc. , for which the government assumes the local authorities to be accountable to their voters ( CIPFA , 1990 , Chapter 20.3 ; HM Treasury , 1990 , Chapter 21 , Paras .
2 He eventually managed to secure some work in the form of a commission from a surgeon with the Dutch East India Company at Mannheim , an amateur flautist , to compose ‘ three short , simple concertos and a couple of quartets for the flute ’ ( 10 December 1777 ) , for which he was to be paid 200 gulden .
3 In 1888 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects , and also the Art Workers ' Guild , of which he was to be an enthusiastic and devoted member , and which provided his main circle of friends ; he was elected master of the guild for the year 1903 .
4 She left elementary school at fourteen to take a job filling seed packets for five shillings a week ; later she worked for a draper and subsequently for the Co-op , where she joined the union movement of which she was to be a lifelong member .
5 She left Queen 's in 1850 and it was in that year that she founded the school of which she was to be head for forty years , the North London Collegiate School for Ladies , which opened in the Buss Camden Street house on 4 April 1850 with thirty-five pupils .
6 Ivan Klima could be called a lyric author , and the notion of what it is to be such an author is examined in My First Loves , whose gentle and deliberate stories read as if they have been grown and stored before being made public .
7 Larkin 's poem complains in concert ; it takes up the question of what it is to be sexually debarred .
8 Levi 's double life as chemist and writer suggests that if art and work need to be separated , according to a certain sense of what it is to be a Jew , art and work are nevertheless very often the same .
9 In this search for a new spiritual awareness , they — like us — were finding new possibilities to achieve a revived sense of what it is to be truly human in the transformational experience .
10 It was during this time , moving from one company to another , that Haslam learned the true meaning of what it is to be an adaptable manager .
11 Justification by faith , similarly , is important only because it goes to the heart of what it is to be a follower of Christ .
12 Being ‘ sinful ’ and ‘ just ’ is not the equivalent of having your cake and eating it , but an existential awareness of what it is to be a human being in a sinful and fallen world .
13 And then the dark-greens are by no means united in forming a simple statement of what it is to be an out-and-out green .
14 This is not the basis of the Catholic position which is instead concerned with the nature of what it is to be a priest .
15 Not more of the same — a narrowing down of what it is to be British , and a belief that to promote good race relations you have to keep black people out .
16 CHELSEA Clinton has had her first taste of what it is to be a president 's daughter .
17 Nor is sharing or giving help a route to dominance ; it is merely what is expected , part of the minimal definition of what it is to be a member of a Semai community ( see Robarchek 1986a ; see Dentan 1968 : 134 for a discussion of implications of the distinction between reciprocity and sharing ) .
18 Throughout his work he circled endlessly around the question of what it is to be a Christian , to have faith , to encounter God .
19 What needs to be emphasised , though , is that direct experience — becoming part of a way of life that includes the alien in a wider definition of what it is to be human — seems to be almost the only way of achieving demystification .
20 This widening definition of what it is to be human , couched in sociologically aware terms , runs throughout the responses , and is further expressed in attitudes to amniocentesis and abortion in subsequent pregnancies .
21 No longer a matter of distribution across a norm , of statistics and probability , ‘ normality ’ itself is simply a common-sense , inclusive definition of what it is to be human , with wider boundaries redefined from experience .
22 Lévi-Strauss ' point here , however , is simply the objection that Sartre defines ‘ man ’ in advance , predetermined by the particular experience of what it is to be a man in twentieth-century post-war French society .
23 The most striking feature of pupil descriptions of what it is to be a good teacher is the great emphasis placed on interpersonal respect .
24 False claims to universality have been used to cover a persistent warping in our notions of what it is to be an individual .
25 But part , I would suggest , is to be found in the conception that teachers have of what it is to be a teacher and that , in turn , depends on what they believe about the way in which children learn .
26 inadequately educated persons er , view of what it is to be well educated i.e. we 've got to comment on the spelling as if it were important
27 In the twilight groves and dusty caves there is no sign of what it is to be alive : nothing of love , valour or artistry .
28 Somewhere deep down , your idea of what it is to be a person , to truly engage in the world , has become critically interfused with childish fantasy .
29 But this is artificially to restrict the sense of what it is to be a rational institution .
30 Until you have known it you will have no conception of what it is to be truly lonely .
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