Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun pl] over the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The MP wrote a strongly-worded letter after hearing from worried residents in an area near Stirling Castle about their fears over the offer of a flat to an ‘ anti-social tenant ’ .
2 On Jan. 10 , following a third round of discussions to resolve the Ayodhya dispute , Hindu and Moslem leaders belonging respectively to the Vishwa Hindu Parishad ( VHP ) and the All India Babri Masjid Action Committee ( AIBMAC ) agreed to the setting up of expert panels to examine documents in support of their claims over the site ; the panels would submit a report by Feb. 5 .
3 They could hear the squealing roars of their pursuers over the tumult of their mounts ' hoofs .
4 One of her mates over the road 's he 's gon na try and get a grant and then pay for the college by that and then tell where to go with his overtime .
5 But the bruiser was after her , and the click-clack of her heels over the pavement kept him from losing her .
6 It 's an enormous problem for us , unfortunately , by by virtue of the fact that we we do most of our claims over the telephone .
7 In 1914 she resigned from the paper because of differences with her colleagues over the issue of war , and became a member of the executive committee of the Union of Democratic Control , founded by E. D. Morel [ q.v. ] to campaign against secret diplomacy .
8 While attempting to jump a five bar gate near Chesham the horse became stuck with its forelegs over the gate and hindlegs behind it .
9 The airline will use four aircraft to take people back to Russia to be with their families over the Easter holiday .
10 They went to Oakport Woods , leaving their bicycles at the big iron gate , and walking with their books over the grass to the belt of trees along Oakport Lake .
11 Above their heads over the entrance was a rolled piece of dark canvas .
12 Stacey found her father , a 47-year old roofing worker , slouched in an armchair with his legs over the arm .
13 We 've tried negotiating with our employees over the discrimination we are faced with .
14 The confidence of the Federation was well founded in its victories over the union , in its membership and in its resources .
15 ' It is just that my friends are coming under great pressure from their communities over the incident . ’
16 Once he stood , a cooking pan in one hand , with tears in his eyes over the sadness of Byron 's life .
17 Congratulations to who organised the day , which did n't cost a bean ; the coach was paid for from our raffles over the year ! .
18 He went on , ‘ If it had n't been for Bertha sticking to her guns over the question of the house , I 'd have been married to Doreen by now — and that would have been a disaster . ’
19 Ted Forde , RRA chairperson , said the RRA would appeal and said most of the council debate was irrelevant to their concerns over the dump , as the debate had focused on the factory in Ovens .
20 Green and overeager they were distinctly optimistic to their clients over the telephone .
21 The ANGLO-SCOTS won only one of their four under-21 championship matches on their visits over the Border in September and October , and that was an upset .
22 He had , of course , kept Nora posted on his acquisitions over the year , so she knew he already had more than half the land they were after .
23 Those things she knew about Gus Hambro which did not fit into this picture , such as his manipulations over the room at the inn , she did not care to mention to anyone until she herself understood them better .
24 I could n't agree more with those who 've been praising Newsome for his performances over the Christmas games .
25 This spectacular fall happens when a gust of wind hits the sail and you are thrown off your feet over the boom .
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