Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [prep] [noun sg] of [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Now talking of freebies , they could actually watch a cage being drilled for them as part of it .
2 The basic differences between them in respect of their value to architectural study is that Ostia was occupied and developed over a much longer period , from the fourth century B.C. to the third century A.D. , and that it was not a provincial city but the port of Rome and , as such , became more important , as is evidenced by its buildings .
3 This photograph on my desk is now an object for me in virtue of my perceiving experience .
4 When he moved abruptly to cover her , to force a place for himself on top of her , levering her legs wider to open her body to him , his coarse , muscled weight was a blissful assuagement of hunger , a hunger burning through her so fiercely that she felt almost faint …
5 because it can count as their as part of their
6 Likewise , Manuel Puig 's Betrayed by Rita Hayworth and Heartbreak Tango are based on interior monologues , long dialogues and extracts from diaries and letters , through which of identity of their own in their assumption of a borrowed identity derived from pop culture in the shape of Hollywood films , radio soap operas , popular songs , etc .
7 ‘ being a person on foot ’ This point is proved by the officer or traffic warden stating in evidence ‘ A man , I now know to be John Smith , stepped from the kerb on the south side of the road and walked towards me in contravention of my signal to him to stop etc . ’
8 ‘ By making a fool of me in front of my friends and associates , by acting cheap — ’
9 Only then can we speak of them as part of our cultural heritage .
10 I had to sleep in the same room as loads of them on account of we said I was his secretary . ’
11 ‘ It 's possibly a mistake to make an enemy of someone on account of his trilby , ’ warned Bunny .
12 But Vicky 's now , she had erm anorexia the girl friend , she sort of got over it but then er hos , her mum and , oh it 's all very confusing , mum and the boy friend been together for years , they 've now split up , Vicky 's now , it 's all been sort of everything on top of her
13 Every time I go to meet Ben , I can feel the weight of her on top of me .
14 Well , she felt in a fighting mood , and if he thought that he could make a fool of her in front of his girlfriend then he was in for a big surprise .
15 The situation was an artificial one , but ‘ one was concerned not to make a complete fool of oneself in front of one 's peer group ’ , so the pressure was real .
16 You were right to break with him if you decided that you had made a mistake in accepting him , but oh , my dear , your uncle Orrin tells me that he dare not inform your father of the dreadful things Havvie is hinting about you for fear of what he might do to Havvie .
17 If the vendor does not know of the proposed management buy-out , or is aware but has not given approval , then the members of the management team almost certainly risk action against them for breach of their service agreements .
18 On those days some of the more vicious sort would come and ‘ vent their spleen ’ against him as part of their amusement .
19 In drafting the statement of circumstances it should be borne in mind that the auditor enjoys the protection of qualified privilege , ie he will be immune from any action against him in respect of his statement provided it is given in good faith , without malice and does not infringe the general criteria stated in s 394 .
20 By doing this , we separate off everything which counts for or against it in virtue of its effects , or alternatively , its contribution to the formation of certain wholes .
21 ‘ Our Leader does n't like to be told that his election was a fraud , that actual grievous bodily harm was perpetrated to bring him victory , that people were n't telling the truth when they said they wanted him , only him , when they said their hearts beat as one with love of him .
22 Nor , it is submitted , can it properly be regarded as one in pursuance of which possession or ownership passes either .
23 She 's probably upset because her boyfriend does n't want to go out with her on account of her amusing adenoidal accent .
24 Since each one of them was ready to go with him in spite of their fatigue , Hazel gave in and chose Dandelion and Hawkbit , who seemed less weary than the others .
25 They touch down , and he pushes off again , taking her arm so that she glides up with him in spite of herself .
26 When he was n't flirting with them they flirted with him in front of me .
27 I shall certainly be interested in carrying on with it as part of my natural diet now .
28 Fawning yet fearless ; possessed of a certain saucy vulgarity , he gets away with it by virtue of his confidence man 's charm .
29 Also rejected has been the Elton Committee 's proposal that parents might have civil liability imposed upon them in respect of their children 's acts .
30 A fleshy black shape swelled up from nothing in front of her .
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