Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] can [not/n't] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But the blame for its weakness can not be laid directly at the feet either of the takeover or of debt .
2 His account of their arrival and his etymology for their name can not be trusted .
3 However the reasons for their failure can not be found simply in an examination of the physical factors of the soil and environment .
4 ‘ If a child after birth has no right of action for pre-natal injuries , we have a wrong inflicted for which there is no remedy , for , although the father may be entitled to compensation for the loss he has incurred and the mother for what she has suffered , yet there is a residuum of injury for which compensation can not be had save at the suit of the child .
5 ‘ If a child after birth has no right of action for pre-natal injuries , we have a wrong inflicted for which there is no remedy , for , although the father may be entitled to compensation for the loss he has incurred and the mother for what she has suffered , yet there is a residuum of injury for which compensation can not be had save at the suit of the child .
6 The arguments in support of my belief can not be detailed here but the point of departure in common with Lord Simon in Morgan is that the distinction between crimes of basic and crimes of specific intent can only be appreciated against the backdrop of the probative-evidential dialogue which characterizes the criminal trial .
7 This lacks the boldness of the Dutch approaches that date from the same period , so that fundamental changes in the function of the road surface and attitudes towards its use can not be achieved .
8 an ex gratia payment of wages to executors of employee killed in course of his employment can not be deducted from a claim for damages against employer .
9 But , besides the fact that the details of his method can not be read into many of the advances made in the sciences , his promise of certainty has come to seem inappropriate .
10 Once you have made your booking and paid a deposit , then the cost of your holiday can not be changed .
12 Once you have made your booking and paid a deposit , then the cost of your holiday can not be increased .
13 In the same fashion , Kant maintained , the nature of our knowledge can not be understood if we assume that it is simply fed into us from outside ourselves , and that we are merely passive recipients of information from the world around us .
14 There are for instance extreme examples of the inhibition or punishment of the sexual act in which laughter can not be other than inhumane if it can be found at all : for example in Connebert , where a lecherous priest has to castrate himself in order to save his life , or Le Prestre et le leu , " The priest and the wolf " , a laconically brief tale of just twenty-eight lines relating how a peasant digs a trap for a lecherous priest , into which first a wolf , then the priest , and then the wife 's maid sent to see if the priest is coming fall in turn , after which the peasant kills the wolf , castrates the priest , and chases off the maid .
15 There is no class of disease in which homoeopathy can not be used , although if the case has reached the stage of requiring surgery , for instance , this should not be delayed .
16 An ambivalence to assessment in Catholic schools rightly stems from the view that religious education in its entirety can not be submitted to formal and sharply focussed testing because of its very nature and its concern with personal faith and commitment .
17 The conviction carried by how things are in his fiction can not be separated from the sense that they might be otherwise .
18 If one accepts the story of Molla Yegan 's bringing Molla Gurani to the Ottoman court-and there seems no reason not to-then on the basis of what appears to be the fairly firm evidence for this part of Molla Gurani 's career , Molla Yegan 's return from his journey can not be dated earlier than 845/1441–2 ; and on the reasonable assumption that the purpose of Molla Yegan 's journey was to make the pilgrimage , it seems entirely likely that it was in the year 844/1440–1 , the same year that Molla Gurani made his abortive pilgrimage , that Molla Yegan also performed the hajj and that the two met somewhere after that pilgrimage , though clear information about the actual time and place of their meeting is entirely lacking .
19 So the question , whether or not there 's there is a clear expression to my , to my mind can not be answered .
20 Such is the bread and butter of art history , the framework of precise historical knowledge without which interpretation can not be securely founded .
21 In these ways , conflict which for whatever reason can not be integrated through the action of the central elites is a large residue in functional pluralist approaches .
22 There are certain treaties that by their nature can not be assigned , for example extradition treaties , enforcement of judgment treaties , and mutual defence treaties .
23 Benefits such as ‘ death in service ’ benefits and discretionary payments from personal schemes payable by your employer can not be left by will .
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