Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After the hearing , Miss Lamplugh said : ‘ I did not actually think about my sister at the time .
2 ‘ Only the other day I was at the vicarage , seeing Mrs Ainger about my stall at the bazaar-I 'm doing the fancy work this year , you know — and there was pussy , bold as brass , if you please , walking into the lounge as if she owned it . ’
3 During my time at the Centre , the strict vegan , detoxifying diet was recommended for three months as a minimum ; only after that should one go to the ‘ stay well diet ’ which does allow a little fish and eggs .
4 Every moment of Rainbow 's existence during my time at the Fair has been tracked , recorded , docketed and programmed for easy-edit , so I am able to wipe , play-back , freeze-frame or skim fast over the boring bits .
5 Because I was so small , I had several dangerous accidents during my stay at the palace .
6 Er and and just going through my mind at the moment
7 There have been several times when I was tempted to try and get in touch and apologise for my attack at the time of Simon 's death . ’
8 I can assure you that did less than nothing for my morale at the time .
9 I 'll pay for my ticket at the box-office . ’
10 Eleanor Darcy told me I was welcome to call her if necessary ; if I needed any further factual details for my Lover at the Gate .
11 err that 's about it for my curiosity at the moment .
12 They ask me how much I paid for everything I was wearing , how much I pay for my room at the pension , how much salary I shall be getting at the university — a salary to me ridiculously small , little more than pocket-money , but for the majority of working-class Spaniards a fortune .
13 The request that I should receive a consignment of most , if not all , of the issues was obviously impossible to meet ; and although I should much like to have had the ‘ run ’ of Eliot 's bookcase for an afternoon , I felt I could not seek permission , so soon after my arrival at the school , to go to London for that purpose , so I told Eliot that half a dozen well-spaced numbers would suffice for me .
14 Those who were cured after their night at the sanctuary were permitted to record their dreams and commemorate their recoveries on votive tablets , some of which have survived to this day .
15 Is n't it true , for example , that after their humiliation at the Bay of Pigs — an ideal mixture of cock-up and conspiracy — certain American and Cuban extremists began to think very ill of JFK ?
16 ‘ Aunt Louise , that letter of Celia 's , what was the little bit of writing beneath ‘ Dear Mother ’ , and the bit after her name at the end ? ’
17 And millions of viewers saw her work 24 years after her death at the age of 81 .
18 After his death at the age of ninety-four on 2 November 1950 , following a fall in his garden , his will was recognised to be a great public-spirited document .
19 Around the choir is a wooden bas-relief depicting the flight in 1620 of Frederick of the Palatinate to Warsaw after his defeat at the Battle of the White Mountain .
20 Diane Maidment would be pleased to hear from any former staff members with an amusing , unusual or interesting tale to tell about their stay at the Branch .
21 She went and fetched out the folded garments for him , and went about her business at the clay oven outside while he stripped and dressed himself again in the good Welsh clothes that had been made for him .
22 Seeing Aunt Sarah so unusually ill and helpless , Ruth was filled with grief for her sake at the news she had brought .
23 Therefore the prosecution should try to provide corroboration for her allegation at the investigation stage , even regarding the accused 's identity ( R v Midwinter ( 1971 ) 55 Cr App R 523 ) .
24 Then a couple of women will clatter sweatily through a series of numbers , as close to the punters in the pub as their mum at the kitchen table .
25 And the years rolled away , and it was a different room , yet still the same , the room where she 'd had her first ; old white paint with the grudging cleanliness of not quite enough scrubbing ; the sticky rubber mat under her bottom , that made her wonder what other bottoms had lain on it , wonder desperately enough to take her mind off her panic at the instrument 's entry onto her , and the thought , it 's like the first screw you ever had — why do we do it , why do we go on doing it ?
26 It had been one of her favourites , during her course at the college .
27 The Times of India reported the case of a striptease artiste in the coastal resort of Goa who had been sued by the management of the five-star Hotel Kalimpong , when she refused to undress during her performance at the hotel restaurant one evening .
28 During her stay at the ICO nearly five hundred officers came under her influence .
29 It is well placed for excursions to the most spectacular part of the lake , and a region through its position at the corner , where the main lake turns south to face the high massif of the Gotthard and the route which has always beckoned northern traders , adventurers , mercenary soldiers — and nowadays tourists towards the southern lands .
30 However , she was finding it difficult to stifle the waves of panic which swept through her body at the thought of being in close contact with this man who had once meant so much to her .
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