Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] have [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Two prose characters for whom sympathy has wholly evaporated by the final scene are Parolles ( All 's Well ) and Lucio ( Measure for Measure ) .
2 I was quite sure of that for my father had again gone back to Rye marshes to reinforce the defences .
3 Everyone said she must have struggled from her sick-bed the moment she realized that the aunt left in charge during her illness had sadly neglected her little boy .
4 I can not say that any of my knitting has ever graced the shelves at Harrods , but my crochet has !
5 Two youngish ( less than 35 anyway ) ones of my acquaintance have recently suffered cancer of the digestive system .
6 ‘ The news of my call-up has slowly filtered through , but all my friends have been really good about it . ’
7 Now with Selina Street here the texture of my life has already changed or shaded .
8 Hair apparently benefited : of the 120 volunteers a total of 37 stated that the condition of their hair had actually improved whilst almost all the remainder reported no deterioration whatsoever .
9 Word of their approach had hardly reached Pool before they themselves were in Ludlow .
10 One of their number has just written a book questioning this kind of control and spilling the beans of angst rather as American and British feminist writers did in the Seventies .
11 Like tin soldiers they fell ; for none of their nation had yet set foot in Fort Vaux .
12 My present feeling is that any one who can not feel the beauty of their melody had better confine his criticism to prose and leave the discussion of verse to those who understand something about it … .
13 Fry and Flashman both launched a tirade of abuse against each other following their parting , but now they have shelved their differences and will work together again in a twosome , the like of which football has never seen , or is likely to again .
14 Abortive attempts in our time to shuffle off the whole experience and make light of its impact have only begun comparatively recently to attract the attention of psycho-analysts .
15 Nothing in the whole of her life had ever given her so much pleasure as this .
16 He said : ‘ What is the housewife going to do when she is told that the price of her electricity has now reached 10 pence per unit .
17 The lock to open the door of her sensuality had only needed the right key .
18 Old friends of her father had sometimes stayed there , and invited the two girls to dinner .
19 It was as if all the Wandas and Melissas of her imagination had just drifted ceilingwards with the steam .
20 ‘ Few if any artists of his generation have so startled my eyes and mind , ’ he continued .
21 Served by a chief minister of some ability , Cardinal Fleury ( 1726–43 ) , and a more able Controller-General , Orry ( 1730–45 ) , he remained personally popular until the middle of the century ; but the limitations of his character had already begun to show themselves .
22 Bishop continued , ‘ I would like to take this opportunity to inform you all that the judicial process requested by Miles Engado regarding the death of his daughter has now reached a conclusion .
23 Certainly the picture of him during this period is of a man haunted by guilt and remorse ; it seems that he felt he had no right to happiness , and the death of his wife had only served to convince him that he had done some irreparable harm to another human being , for which he must undergo a period of punishment .
24 The volume level of his voice has greatly increased .
25 Historians who have reconstructed the context of his trip have generally concluded that , far from being a momentary aberration , the Montreal speech was the culmination of a policy that can be traced back to the early 1960s .
26 Some teacher must have found out that most of his class had never seen a duck before , so they started an urban zoo .
27 The neglect of his appearance had already caused him to be shunned , in the Borinage and elsewhere .
28 By the end of the third day his delirium had diminished , by the fifth day it had gone entirely and the redness and swelling of his face had also begun to disappear .
29 More recently , he relocated the Schools Canteen from dingy basement to gleaming mezzanine and at the time of his death had nearly completed his greatest coup .
30 He spent his youth in Provence where three generations of his family had already devoted themselves to the arcane mysteries of perfume business .
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