Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] [subord] [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Henry II received them at Winchester on 21 September , but postponed consideration of their case until he himself should come to Normandy .
2 Hence , my boss is more likely to produce a change in my role-performance than one my peers .
3 Although forewarned that he was deliberately ‘ being nice ’ to her , she could , totally out of character , have counted the world well lost and ended up in his bed if he himself had n't called a halt by way of retaliation .
4 Think of everyone you come across in your work as someone whom you are serving .
5 Well that 's already covered in fact within our house because we my wife as a
6 Anyone who has served with him at the Department — and I am talking not just about his present ministerial team — knows that he not only brings a greater degree of expertise to his job than anyone I can remember but does it with great inventiveness in terms of improving benefits and with an exceptional degree of compassion and , above all , integrity .
7 All eyes turned towards Rayne , who smiled apologetically and said , yes , that he had asked Vokins to bid on his behalf as he himself would be conducting the auction and it would clearly be difficult for him to put in bids and be auctioneer at the same time .
8 Oh yes when I went to Stronsay Academy first we were very much kids for the country being all this country ones and often we 'd sometimes be and said some terribly wild and woolly awfully countrified phrase you know until pride sort of came to our rescue when we we got out of it as much as ever we could .
9 Well , she tells me that she is going to throw Shaun out because Shaun is boring , er , Don put her , Shaun she has no respect for she says because he has n't got a job , he wo n't get a job , he wo n't work , and she said to Lee what did I think of the idea of taking Pete back , once they were properly divorced take Pete back just as a lover and I said that sounds to me to be a very good idea , I said then your not at his mercy because anybody who 's at Pete 's mercy will suffer , his got a very nasty streak , his got a nasty snide way of putting things .
10 I tell you what , you know more songs at your age than what I ever knew when I was little , I could n't remember all them
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