Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] [noun pl] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After reading through my back copies of MKM I have an idea .
2 All professional musicians , the band have received rave reviews in the music press — not least for their cover versions of Jimi Hendrix numbers which have earned Slim comparisons with the master guitar guru .
3 I take your point Anne , but I would prefer to help the MP understand that the nature of the way that this department is run is that officers do take responsibility for their specialist areas of work , the senior management has always supported that , and I do n't feel minded to change it because the MP finds it difficult .
4 The example is of course that of Hume 's early critic Thomas Reid ( 1969 ( 1788 ) ) , and has many counterparts , some of them being members of runs of total coincidences .
5 Since 1981 , the Centre has received some funding from the city which now provides an annual budget of SFr390,000 ( £177,250 ; $248,000 ) , covering almost exactly one half of its operating costs of SFr 800,000 .
6 In analogy to the blockage of thymidilate synthetase by 5-fluoro-2'-dexoyuridine-5'-monophosphate — the active form of the tumor-inhibitory drug 5-fluorouracil ( 9 ) — one could now envisage covalent and irreversible adduct formation between any given DNA cytosine-C 5 methyltransferase and DNA carrying at one of its target sites of methylation a 5-azacytosine or 5-fluorocytosine ( 5-FC ) residue ( see Figure 1 ) .
7 Specimens of her verse translations of Tasso ( Jerusalem Delivered ) and Verri ( Roman Nights ) circulated to warm critical praise ; but ‘ unforeseen circumstance ’ prevented their publication .
8 Staring at him , Michael underwent one of his lightning changes of mood .
9 In the second part of his autobiography Ways of Escape , Graham Greene writes of an earlier period , ‘ … in Indo-China I drained a magic potion , a loving-cup which I have shared since with many retired colonels and officers of the Foreign Legion whose eyes light up at the mention of Saigon and Hanoi ’ .
10 If the linguistic side of our University Schools of English could be persuaded to give rather less of their attention to the roots of the English language and to devote more of it to the leaves it has put forth so abundantly since 1500 there would be far more data for literary scholars like Mr. Bateson to work upon .
11 In the following section we describe how the same forces are at work in the market for data processing staff , on which we focused most of our case studies of agency working .
12 Genevieve Lloyd , in The Man of Reason : ‘ Male ’ and ‘ Female ’ in Western Philosophy ( 1984 ) , looks at the way in which Western philosophy has conceptualised reason , and shows that throughout its history ideals of reason have incorporated an exclusion of the feminine , which creates both practical and conceptual problems for women who may experience conflicts between reason and femininity .
13 There were few birds , only small groups of tysties feeding near the shore , the newly fledged youngsters in grey and white plumage , and the adults already moulting into their winter shades of grey .
14 This beautiful island , along with its sister islands of Little Cayman and Cayman Brac , offers some of the most interesting metal detecting locations available today .
15 Wire-fragile , wind-trembling harebell You are powerful like all creatures , fine-skinned and muscled to the bone , ears alert to every bracken rustle , the cries of the wheeling kites ; the wind thrills you with its chill messages of danger and delight .
16 Go back to our mental picture of a graduated scale of improbable events with its benchmark coincidences of bridge hands and dice throws .
17 Once through the gorge you are into the valley of Clapdale with its tourist trappings of grottoes , nature trails and Ingleborough Cave which Walter White , in his 1858 book , A Month in Yorkshire , referred to as a ‘ Glittering Fairy Palace ’ .
18 At intervals along its length groups of nerve fibres emerge from the spinal column to connect with the peripheral nervous system .
19 Here we have found strewn about the animal bones they decorated with their matchstick images of men and beasts , and the skeletons of their boats .
20 Everyone took turns to patrol the streets at night during air raids , and had to be particularly vigilant in the event of firebombs , because if they were on the spot with their fire buckets of sand and water , many a fire could be put out before it got too bad .
21 Some say it was the importing of whole streets of fighting families from the fishquays , with their dockland diversions of prostitution , drug-dealing and handling .
22 It often happens that when an employee enters new employment he legitimately brings with him trade connections of use to his new employer .
23 I have to admit that on a good day I find little at all wrong with the prospect of a ride in a new BMW , and Patterson was obviously well-pleased with his material rewards of Yuppiedom .
24 Since his death the workers of the industrial world have experienced ( despite severe dislocations in the 1920s , 1930s and 1970s ) a fairly continuous increase in their material standards of living , a massive expansion of social welfarism and have also been given the right to vote for their own governments in relatively pluralistic political systems with competitive political parties and regular elections .
25 By 1908 the à la glace method was well enough established to be described by Ernest and Arthur Vizetelly in their book Wines of France .
26 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder , in which case Kitchens Of Distinction are using it as a sharp stick .
27 Not that this made the county unique , for Tudor and Stuart England was essentially a federation of strongly developed provincial societies in which county patterns of life and social and political allegiances were often far stronger than the tenuous links with a central monarchy in Westminster .
28 In the dark front of the car Molly felt another tingle of excitement , as though , in her childhood fantasies of detection she had found , at the scene of a crime , a clue which was going to unlock the whole mystery .
29 In her book Texts of Terror she considers the stories of four women of the Hebrew scriptures who are subjected to terror ; rape , murder and dismemberment at the hands of men .
30 This Institute aims to extend knowledge through education and research in its constituent Schools of Agriculture , Ecological Sciences , Forestry , and Resource Economics .
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