Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [vb mod] be [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To talk about them would be a risk , and I just do n't like taking risks . ’
2 Simply to decide upon the basis of what we think is best for them can be a form of prejudice .
3 Looking after me would be a burden to Colette .
4 seven other members of the House of Commons appointed by the House , none of whom shall be a Minister of the Crown .
5 a ) The affairs of the Society shall be managed by an Executive Committee of the Officers and the chairmen of the standing sub-committees , together with not less than two and not more than twelve other members representing all aspects of Medau activity , one of whom should be a representative of the Medau teachers elected from among their own number .
6 Euthanasia , although technically illegal was practised in Holland , but under what were regarded as safeguards , including the explicit and continued request of the patient , the agreement of relatives and of two doctors one of whom must be a consultant .
7 a ) The affairs of the Society shall be managed by an Executive Committee of the Officers , together with not less than two and not more than twelve other members of the Society , at least one of whom must be a holder of the Medau Society 's Leadership Award .
8 The affairs of the Society shall be managed by an Executive Committee of the Officers , together with not less than two and not more than twelve other members of the Society , at least one of whom must be a holder of the Medau Society 's Leadership Award .
9 Any one of them might be a part of this conspiracy . ’
10 But one of them may be the sort of book you feel you are best fitted to write .
11 Any tenderness between the two of them would be a sham as far as he was concerned , merely serving to emphasise the absence of love , and perhaps like her he felt that a relationship characterised by so much other feeling ought to be loving as well , that the depth of desire he felt for her should have been merely a facet of love instead of the whole .
12 Many factors can cause this but one of them would be a body temperature that is not falling fast enough in the evening .
13 Ahead of them would be the road that would lead to the Fire Court of the sorceress Reflection and her daughter Flame .
14 But I 've got two brothers , so I 'm sure one of them will be a match . ’
15 There will , of course , be reasons why she has never ‘ grown up ’ emotionally , and most of them will be no fault of her own .
16 Ubiquitous at all of them will be the caricature form of Harry Hopper pie eater , real ale quaffer and sedulous seeker of programmes .
17 None of these individual factors is proof of addiction but any of them can be a cause for concern and a repeated pattern of one or more factors is an indication that professional assessment is indicated .
18 It does n't matter whether a sign causes what it signifies , or is caused by it , or whether both are caused by something else ( like thunder and lightning , either of which might be a sign of the other and both of which are caused by an electrical discharge ) .
19 where quantification is already evident in the accounts themselves ( an example of which might be a presentation rather than a measurement matter , such as an adaptation of the headings in the Act 's format requirements not covered by paragraph 3(3) of Schedule 4 ) , or (
20 The invitation should make it clear that a selection procedure is in progress and that all that is required are details , including prices and , if appropriate , samples of products for evaluation , the result of which might be an invitation to conduct trials .
21 There are several waterfalls , any of which might be the site of their discovery .
22 Callières at the end of the seventeenth century could still speak of " Latin , ignorance of which would be a disgrace and a shame to any public man , for it is the common language of all Christian nations " .
23 I would like to suggest that branches hold open meetings at regular intervals , one of which would be the AGM .
24 Thus every individual needs to be regarded as having a unique set of problems , some of which may have encouraged him or her to drink too much , and some of which may be the outcome of the drinking , rather than being thought of as an ‘ alcoholic ’ or an ‘ addict ’ .
25 They are , characteristically , endowed with immense numbers of physical and social properties , any one of which may be the property which is relevant to a particular communicative act .
26 Instead , the committee will encourage local groups to participate in national campaigns , the first of which will be a drive to promote the use of solar power .
27 The declaration causes the compiler to name a memory location Ptr1 , the contents of which will be a memory address .
28 The programme provided for the discussion of various topics on the first two days , as told in the preceding chapter , and for Saturday , January 18 , it read : Proposal to form the National Deaf Association , on the American lines , the objects of which will be the protection , and the educational and social elevation of the deaf of the United Kingdom .
29 Few of us will go through life without transgressing some rule of public law , the result of which will be the imposition of a financial penalty or perhaps , in more severe cases , deprivation of liberty .
30 The normal procedure is for one of the debentureholders , on behalf of himself and all other holders to commence a debentureholder 's action , the first step of which will be the appointment of a receiver .
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