Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , one of them attacked it with a large branch , striking it a damaging blow .
2 The three bassets were already in residence , draped snoring on the fireside rug , but they seemed to be used to Debbie because two of them sniffed her in a bored manner and the third merely cocked a sleepy eye at her before flopping back on the rich pile .
3 Moreover , although their new jobs were temporary , not all of them regarded them as a " stop-gap " .
4 On the following Monday some of them pursued him to a review that was taking place on Wimbledon Common , while others went to the City , occupied the Royal Exchange and picketed the coffee houses , carrying placards reading More Wages .
5 ‘ That girl of yours asked me for a statement and I gave her one-more than she bargained for , and I made her take it all down . ’
6 My own suggestion that we were dealing with a whole nest of Mata Haris was declared plausible but incorrect while Team C , consisting of two middle-aged couples , produced two theories , the second of which named me as a potential mole !
7 More than half of us used it with a video-recorder , chiefly for films and soap operas taped from broadcasts .
8 They argue that , for Whitehouse in particular , though after the war her formal ties with the Oxford Group diminished , her years of close association with it provided her with a very clear intellectual approach to the perceived ills of the modern world .
9 Mind you can always say to you caught me at a bad time , you say , it 's supposed to have appointment only , but just say , can you , is there any chance of you coming back .
10 We know he will enjoy watching the sports programmes despite the fact that Bristol Rovers football team have not quite made it on to Sky TV yet ! is well know for being a keen supporter of Bristol Rovers , a fact which did not go unrecognised by who presented him with a beautiful jugglers top hat in his favourite team 's colours .
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