Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He is not looking for people who can make decisions for him , but people through whom he can implement his decisions .
2 It could be argued that they might help to identify him , but it was felt that they might relate to another crime and that if we started talking about them it might put whoever was responsible on his guard .
3 If there is any justification in using them , it 's not that they accurately reproduce the eighteenth century , but that through them we can clear our way back to it through all the nineteenth-century ironmongery put in our way by what , musically , I regard as a particularly corrupting and polluting century .
4 Erm if it 's if you 're desperate for them we can rush it in
5 And the Cid sent for all his friends and his kinsmen and vassals , and told them how King Don Alfonso had banished him from the land , and asked for them who would follow him into banishment , and who would remain at home .
6 If only for them I 'll do it .
7 If it means business for them I should think they should want to do more .
8 If it did it for them it can do it for me ! ’
9 He is confident that between them they can do their bit towards the deciding Test in a gripping series with Pakistan ‘ being remembered for the right reasons . ’
10 It was marvellous when he rang , but since I ca n't have him ringing here again , I told him , in a moment of my feelings getting the better of me , that if he does have any message for me he could contact you , and you 'd pass it on .
11 Would you like to go and sort the books out for me I 'll give you a ticket .
12 If you can get an Aliens three poster for me I 'll pay you for it .
13 do n't worry about something for me I 'll have what anybody else has
14 And if you work for me you 'll take it seriously .
15 He looked around for someone who would fill him in on the gossip .
16 Lay off , and save your preachings for someone who 'll appreciate them . ’
17 ‘ You 're putting on quite a good display for someone who can hold her drink , ’ she heard him say sarcastically from the doorway .
18 Instead , he told him he must live his life his own way , and advised John , when he spoke of having fallen in love with a ‘ straight ’ boy at school , to try to save his love for someone who could return it .
19 We were always looking for someone who could give us help .
20 Instead of keeping the money for ourselves we will re-invest it on your behalf in your endowment plan .
21 ‘ If you come after me I 'll do something to prevent you . ’
22 ‘ You have to remember , ’ Ellen liked to lecture Thessy and me , ‘ just how absurdly wealthy they all are , and how desperately the wealthy want to be liked because they ca n't help feeling guilty about being so rich , so we only have to be obsequious , give them loads of booze , and pretend to be impressed by their entirely predictable and usually jejune opinions , after which they 'll reward us with an outrageously large tip — which is , after all , the sole reason for being nice to the ghastly creatures in the first place . ’
23 Once again the period of hypnosis itself will take only about twenty minutes , after which we will decide what the best form of homework would be in the particular circumstances .
24 The green will eventually go brown or black , after which you can wash it away with a high pressure hose .
25 I grew a little apprehensive when she informed me that I would see witches and some ugly things , after which I would see my grandfather and other long-dead relatives .
26 cos I says if he looks after it I 'll buy him one with radio on as well
27 And he said , ‘ Do you know , all my life I 've been looking for somebody who could do everything for three pounds a week . ’
28 To quote Bertrand Russell , every language has a structure about which one can say nothing in that language .
29 You are bound to have many questions you would like to ask , as well as certain anxieties about which you would like your mind set at rest .
30 It was , I felt sure , something about which she would have something to say .
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