Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun] that he had " in BNC.

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1 Bourne , who worked as a driver and minder to for Heidari , was said to have admitted after his arrest that he had thrown the liquid into Michelle 's face , but had thought it was ‘ soapy water ’ .
2 He had been so blinded by his need for her light that he had failed to see how deeply he stood in her shadow , and his work had been frustrated thereby .
3 ‘ This has got to stop , Lindie , ’ he said , using a caressing shortening of her name that he had never used before , and that sounded instantly right on his lips .
4 He suffered over evidence that he had links with former communists and the secret police ; over criticism of his ambiguous prescriptions for economic recovery ; and over ridicule of his claims that he had had mystical experiences .
5 Although Mr X was a director of the ‘ bank ’ , his defence was that he acted in good faith ; indeed , said the defence , such was his faith in the word of his associates that he had invested , and lost , his own money in the venture , always acting on the advice of his colleagues ' , without ever questioning it .
6 Folly guessed from the timbre of his voice that he had more in mind than cool discussion .
7 But Cicero told one of his correspondents that he had been discouraged by his elders and betters from attending such a school : " continebar autem doctissimorum hominum auctoritate " ( Suet .
8 He revealed to one of his colleagues that he had spent the afternoon down by a near-by river struggling with the impulse to jump in .
9 He sat motionless , swathed in a greatcoat despite the day 's oppressive heat , and with his face concealed by the peak of his hat that he had turned fore and aft to shadow his eyes .
10 Whereupon , the 29 year-old Mrs. Gerring launched into her theory that he had his club open at the address at the same time as his body was facing well left of the target .
11 Lisa was actually naïve enough , just for a moment , to allow the possibility to creep into her mind that he had kept silent in order to protect her .
12 Jones had already used a variety of materials , one of which was palladium , and was preparing to obtain the final proof with his detector that he had just spent two years building .
13 Despite having the worst of yesterday 's weather , Torrance was so sharp with his putter that he had seven birdies and no bogeys .
14 It combined ill with his taste for fast cars and high life ; in 1936 he was declared bankrupt , and settled with his family that he had better live abroad .
15 Mel Smith took a sideswipe at Nigel Kennedy with his announcement that he had good news for music lovers — the violinist 's appearance had been cancelled .
16 He made such a great hole in my gum that he had to stitch me up afterwards . "
17 John Hayward was already assiduously collecting Eliot 's letters and drafts for inclusion in what he called the " Archives " and Virginia Woolf noted in her diary that he had acquired a certain kind of writer 's egotism and made remarks like , " Coleridge and I … "
18 She knew in her heart that he had told the truth , and it had been herself at fault for so lacking trust in his integrity .
19 It was only in her imagination that he had puzzled his way through kitchen labyrinths to bring a tray to her bedside .
20 Because there was no doubt in her mind that he had been talking from personal experience .
21 Beckford was as impatient as Vathek to complete his building , but did not have a magical assistant ; the tower twice collapsed , for the last time in 1825 , and Beckford 's contractor confessed upon his death-bed that he had not provided it with foundations , although they had been specified and paid for .
22 Shedlock simply supplied both songs from other sources , explaining in his preface that he had inserted them ‘ in their proper places ’ .
23 It was said in his defence that he had been through a tough war as an Infantry NCO and the award of the Military Medal was proof of his bravery .
24 He hit one of the policemen on the jaw , and claimed in his defence that he had believed , on reasonable grounds , that his son was not guilty of the offence of which he was suspected , and had therefore been wrongfully arrested .
25 A note in his voice that he had long cultivated indicated that the discussion was at an end .
26 As a member of the Select Committee , I was extremely concerned when Mr. Rimington , Director General of the Health and Safety Executive , revealed in his evidence that he had not been aware of the restrictions that Lord Cullen felt had been placed upon him in respect of investigating labour relations .
27 He recently admitted in his autobiography that he had used violence on the rugby field on at least4
28 It was the first time in his life that he had slept out of doors ; as a boy , he and Jean-Paul had often pleaded to do this , and it had always been forbidden .
29 It was in fact the first time in his life that he had looked at any woman .
30 She 'd been set up and she had thought Fernando was so desperate to have her back in his life that he had manipulated the whole thing .
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