Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun] that [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Granpa shook his head and frowned , but I was so proud of my dad that for the rest of the day I just strutted around the market by his side .
2 The French were sufficiently worried by the rapidity of German industrialisation and by the quality of their wares that by the 1890s they had begun to invest in Russian railways , coal , steel and textiles as a way of controlling and reducing German competition .
3 I entirely concur with his prediction that in the end we will have to withdraw from the Province .
4 The letter continues , ‘ There is little point in my saying that in a scientific meeting , though I have .
5 This was increasingly felt as an irksome and illogical limitation as the work of the Committee progressed , and prompted a somewhat disingenuous argument in its Report that in the long run the distinction would lose significance , because computers would sweep the board , and there would be no manual records anyway — an improbable outcome .
6 In some of his tracts he is outspokenly hostile to philosophy as mother of heresy , strident in his insistence that for a true believer everything is decided by the authority of the apostolic rule of faith and scripture so that further enquiries are superfluous .
7 At Monaco , that is particularly vital and by then Niki knew in his heart that in the majority of cases he was probably going to start behind Alain .
8 John of Salisbury tells us that a new custom had arisen in his time that on the day on which a young man was to be girded with the belt of knighthood he went solemnly to church , laid his sword on the altar , and offered himself and his service to God .
9 He claimed that Derrida was in error in his claim that throughout the history of Western philosophy speech had been privileged above writing .
10 She joined in the training sessions , but soon found to her chagrin that in the personal fitness stakes he left her standing .
11 And it was presumably owing to their encouragement that in the 1540s Crecquillon began to compose chansons and Clemens and Gombert increased their production from a trickle to a flood .
12 Churchill had been thinking of delaying his resignation , even if defeated , until after the weekend ; but the results were so devastating to his party that on the very evening of the declaration of most of them — 26 July — he decided to go to the palace , resign his commission as Prime Minister , and invite the King to send for Attlee .
13 He wrote to his biographer that as a young men he
14 But erm er I I I I really feel very strongly about this that we all know that democracy does n't just consist of electing a a national parliament once in five years , we all know the strength of democracy comprises that where the complex of local institutions of local bodies made up of people serving in different ways , not necessarily elected , that is what comprises democracy and it is that which is being undermined again by this measure in this in this Bill and I do say to Your Lordships that for the reasons given by both my Noble Friends er Lord and by , by the Noble Lord , Lord Lord er that there has been no demand for this
15 I must draw to your attention that during a recent survey it was noted that you did not appear to be complying fully with the statutory requirements in that you did not show legibly the price of some goods displayed for sale , namely at your premises .
16 To our interjection that on the evidence from Poland and other European countries under Russian domination , applied Marxism had neither created the wealth nor allowed the freedom to enable the purpose , as it is perceived in the democratic west , of the State to be realised — that is , to provide the circumstances in which the individual may most fully live a life of his or her own and so fulfill his or her potential for awareness and creativity , he would reply that that perception was mistaken ; and go on to remind us that he had attached supreme importance to the State .
17 Little is known of his early life except for his recollection that at the age of nine or ten he ‘ did so offend the Lord that He did scare and terrify me with dreadful visions ’ , and that he was greatly afflicted at that time with thoughts of the Day of Judgement .
18 Indeed , it is a matter of pride for his club that in the February issue of Rugby World & Post Andrew led the try-scorers in Britain and Ireland with 23 ( he now has 26 ) and his partner at stand-off , Jonathan Newton , led the point-scorers with 267 ( now over 300 ) ;
19 Miss Picon and her husband were so profoundly affected by their experiences that for a long time after their return to New York they were unable to work .
20 I feel so close to God , so inspired by His Spirit that in a sense I am God .
21 And : ‘ Nigel would have been delighted at your success and I was very moved by your point that at no time was he attended or touched by any but those close to him .
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