Example sentences of "[prep] [art] most [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A good contender for the most dispiriting pub in the Lake District .
2 C. P. Snow may not have delineated the cultural divide until 1959 ; but commentators still return to Victorian England for the most potent illustrations of desiccated , materialistic science set against the life of the imagination .
3 They last much longer than incandescent tubes , offer more light per watt but need to be carefully chosen in the right colours for the most accurate presentation of food .
4 It is rare for the most prestigious award for architecture in the world to be given to a non architect but the decision to award the 1992 Royal Gold Medal to the structural engineer , Peter Rice , was widely acclaimed .
5 In his search for the most effective approach to the training of boys , Baden-Powell made an extensive study of past and present methods .
6 Our personal choice for the most effective sermon of this decade goes to Gordon Wilson of Enniskillen .
7 We also know how to identify what users need ; develop often complex systems to index , abstract , catalog , and organize all types of information ; disseminate information by packing it in ways appropriate for users , providing the critical role of sifting through vast quantities to identify what is pertinent and what is not ; and to work with a wide range of other professionals for the most effective use of information .
8 The evening marks the launch of a new bursary to the University of Liverpool by Whitbread , to be awarded this year to the student whose ideas for the most effective use of a possible £1bn for Merseyside are judged to be the best .
9 There are several causes of bedwetting which can occur in combination and provide indication for the most effective form of treatment .
10 DOUG Blewitt must rank as a contender for the most unsung hero of North-East business .
11 While John Paul Jones had been captivating the ladies of Paris the French government had been preparing for the most serious attack on England since the Dutch incursion into the Medway .
12 Under the Bill , whipping was to be abolished as a punishment ordered by the courts , being retained only in prisons ( but not in borstals ) as a penalty for the most serious infringements of prison discipline .
13 The West Indian islands contain less than a dozen active volcanoes , all of them congregated in a small arc at the east of the chain , but one of these , Mt Pelee , was responsible for the most lethal eruption of this century .
14 The label ‘ murder ’ , and the stigma thought to accompany it , should be reserved for the most heinous group of killings ; there is a well-recognized offence of manslaughter beneath murder , and this should be used for offences where the culpability is significantly lower .
15 Like most Romanians , who were not in a position to exercise any discretion in the matter , the couple had an almost slavish regard for the most commercialized features of capitalist culture .
16 PLAYER OF THE TOURNAMENT TO MARK the 21st anniversary of the Benson & Hedges Cup , a special trophy was created for the most consistent player of the 1992 tournament .
17 It should also be pointed out that this is the pattern for the most usual spellings for the other vowel and diphthong sounds :
18 they are between jobs and are taking time to search for the most appropriate job with the highest wage ( search unemployment ) ;
19 The failure to conclude the Uruguay Round had injected uncertainty into the international trade system , causing trade disputes to resurface , and had led to the " impression that there is one law for the most powerful members of GATT and quite another for all the rest " .
20 Certainly , the phenomenon of a Black man bidding for the most powerful office in the world has raised , irreversibly , the expectations of Americans who , prior to Jackson 's candidacy , never even dreamed about accurate , or responsive , political representation .
21 of the bill for the most vulnerable people in our society and are causing millions of pensioners and poor people to face a cold and miserable Christmas ?
22 The stalemate among the 39 participating countries was gradually broken in the late 1980s as relations between the superpowers improved [ for the most recent developments on the negotiations , see pp. 38217 ; R153 ; 38986 ] .
23 The design has been created by Kenneth Carroll , who has had extensive experience in the worlds both of books and of newspapers — his clients have included Penguin ( where he designed the King Penguin and reference lists ) , Collins/Fontana , Heinemann and Pan , and he was also responsible for the most recent redesign of the Observer in 1989 and , when a partner of Carroll , Dempsey & Thirkell , co-designed the Independent .
24 Yet it was a change in the shape of the EEC itself which was most directly responsible for the most recent shift in Labours attitude .
25 According to Thomas Cronin : As Cronin and others suggest , Ford was constantly rebuffed and disappointed by Congress ; his positive achievements in both foreign and domestic policy were few and in any history of presidential congressional relations he is likely to be best remembered for the most extensive use of the negative power of the veto in modern times .
26 There was stiff competition for the Barry for the Most Eloquent Mime Through Car Window .
27 ‘ Is she , ’ and he hesitated , looking for the most delicate statement of his question , ‘ involved in the proceedings ? ’
28 The alternative to keeping quiet about these problems is , of course , to deny their very existence , and the prize for the most successful campaign of VD eradication , or alternatively the rarest piece of dissembling , must go to Communist China which claims to have got rid of syphilis in the ten years after 1950 .
29 And this venue worked wonderfully for the most successful part of this concert the Poulenc Organ Concerto .
30 But whatever their fate they are on course for the most successful season in their history .
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