Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [n mass] who [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm so , and we will do that now but I mean it may transpire that the employer might say no to paid time off er for the people who are on days as , as well as
2 It 's almost like I want to write about the people who are in our songs , rather than what happens to them . ’
3 I do feel I 'd like to say one point about the people who were in this house , that it 's quite clear , all of them I believe were under care of the social services , erm and I do n't know enough about their history to say whether they , where they 've been before , whether they 've been in some half-way house , or just been thrown out of some mental institution .
4 of the people who are at the end of a said they did n't get enough .
5 During the days I go and see my friends , most of the people who were at the hotel at the same time as I was have been moved up here .
6 Erm , but I think P , er , budget review , or somebody needs to have a look at it , if you 've got budget review and you 've got people who , most of the people who were on the old working party know the background there anyway , seems as good a place as any to look at it .
7 Most of the people who were in the street at that time would have been in one or other of the pubs , but do n't forget that the harbour is full of craft of all sorts and there are sure to have been people aboard some of them . ’
8 We 've been back to some of the places in the film to see what changes there 've been and to talk to some of the people who were in the original film .
9 Those who know , think it a matter without interest , so that again and again in my enquiries , when some touch of colour has been given illuminating the ways of life among the people who are above the need for help , it has been cut short by a semi-apology : ‘ But that is not what you want to know about ’ …
10 Looking more carefully at the people who are in here , I see that few are true locals .
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