Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] ' [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The complications caused by injuries to Goram , Gough , Steven , Ferguson , Huistra and Robertson preclude team selection and tactical planning for the Belgians ' visit and place a considerable burden on Walter Smith 's shoulders .
2 Aficionados of art and antiques will make a bee-line for the towns ' museums and art galleries .
3 My wife acted as housekeeper for the officers ' houses and Mrs Weaverhurst , the headmistress , took charge of St Michael 's .
4 The camp guards had allowed the baby six months ' life and then , when Elisabeth was selected for the officers ' brothel and her breasts required for purposes other than those of nourishing a Jewish infant , a non-commissioned officer , having polished his boots , drawn up the mess accounts , written an affectionate note to his wife and son and relieved his bladder , took Elisabeth Danziger 's baby from her arms and dashed out its brains against the stone wall outside his office .
5 I got them to give me the number for the cleaners ' mess-room and asked there .
6 Mr Gibson who has already received permission for a tea shop can now submit separate applications for the visitors ' centre and the conversion of a former smithy into a holiday cottage the two elements supported by councillors .
7 Currently , a Home Office grant pays for the schemes ' managers and co-ordinators .
8 Yes , for the farmers ' daughters and
9 With Mark Wadforth at full back for Braintree and Stuart Lewis partnering Matthew Wadforth in the centre , skipper Steve Jarlett opted for the replacements ' bench and looked on with approval as Nigel Brand led the team to its second successive draw at Crow Lane .
10 Of particular significance and far-reaching consequence to the lives of women was the exilic legislators ' obsession with ritual cleanness — and in order to understand the full import of this statement , I shall momentarily have to digress from our historical outline and spend a little time analysing the reasons for the legislators ' obsession and its impact .
11 As long ago as 1978 , the Scottish Hospital Advisory Service reported from observation visits to long-stay hospitals throughout Scotland that even when adjustable beds were provided , they were frequently found at a height too high for the patients ' safety and unfortunately , this is often still true .
12 Children used to leave out hay for the kings ' horses and wake up to find it had mysteriously been replaced by presents .
13 And the accumulation of capital has been internationalized by the internationalization of production : it has generated flows of direct investment as multinationals expand their enterprises in different countries and it has also indirectly generated flows of portfolio investment as the multinationals ' cash and financing needs have been channelled through the financial markets of the City , New York and Tokyo .
14 There are also various independent support groups , such as the Prisoners ' Wives and Families Society .
15 Teachers ' pay and conditions are legally fixed by law ( such as the Teachers ' Pay & Conditions Act 1987 ) and set out in successive annual documents .
16 This looked forward to the main role of the Bank as the bankers ' bank and , eventually , to the normal settling of inter-bank debts through it .
17 Those MPs who succumbed to the pressures of Party democracy brought their golf clubs with them and spent long days on the sandy links of Southport and elsewhere , returning to their hotels in the evening to take part in an entertainment such as the Agents ' dinner and dance .
18 The Wootton and Widgery proposals came to hand at the right time ; there were pressures from bodies such as the Magistrates ' Association and the Justices ' Clerks ; while the prospect of legislation prompted a clearing out of the pigeon holes of Whitehall .
19 The details must then be updated to provide further information such as the clients ' name and address and the name of a general contact within the organisation .
20 He has calmly continued to assert the nursing voice , adroitly altering the popular subservient image of the nurse to one of deep political and personal conscientiousness as the patients ' advocate and closest ally .
21 " [ The transfer in 1860 ] between the Goldsmiths ' Company and the Corporation was carried through with the most perfect agreement and accord . "
22 " The Corporation at that time felt that the offer made to them was an act of great liberality , and accepted it with a clear understanding that the connection between the Goldsmiths ' Company and the School ( excepting the large annual endowment of £290 which the Company agreed to pay was concerned ) was at an end .
23 In addition to showing simply that the factors occurred together , Weber was also able to show that there was an understandable connection between the Calvinists ' beliefs and their actions .
24 That capital market imperfections might create discrepancies between share price and underlying value is a significant point , however , because it indicates a possible divergence between the shareholders ' interests and the general interest in economic efficiency in the long term .
25 They vary a good deal depending on the distance between the critics ' positions and outlooks and Barth 's own .
26 In any event , Ermold assumed that the parents would relish the description of their son , and be amused by the contrast between the adults ' formality and the child 's spontaneity ( though such licence may have been permitted only to under-sevens ) .
27 The draft agreement of November 1986 between the teachers ' unions and representatives of the local educational authorities indicates the extent to which ‘ formalism , is beginning to replace the informed individualism which once characterised English schools .
28 When fees are dependent on work measurement , the ‘ cut off ’ timing between the surveyors ' estimates and the costing systems must be managed with great care if seriously misleading management information is to be avoided .
29 There was a long delay between the pupils ' arrival and the commencement of the displays and chanting , during which Miss Cackle and the teachers greeted friends and acquaintances , and the girls all stood to attention , being neat and well-behaved and a credit to the school .
30 During their voyage a narrative is assembled through a series of flashbacks which reveal a proliferation of connections between the protagonists ' families and contemporary political events .
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