Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Sally Gilbert-Smith and Ruth Gilbert from Cornwall — Sally , 28 , who works in Lloyds Bank in Newquay , entered herself and her mother for the competition because it seemed like the perfect opportunity for the experts to show them off to their full potential .
2 If you ca n't remove the stain yourself , at least you will possibly be making it easier for the professionals to get it out later .
3 For health reasons she returned to England in 1883 , but her husband 's appointment in 1886 as Italian and Greek correspondent for The Times drew her back to Italy , where she lived in Rome until 1897 .
4 As the Dutchwoman and I waited for the musicians to gather themselves up she commented on the sea symbols of fish and anchor in the nave .
5 It s going to take a bit of time for the factories to dole us out some more .
6 Well not a lot really , like just getting people up on the bank for the ambulances to pick 'em up from the motorway .
7 It was surely preferable for the superpowers to fight it out in the space race than blow the world to bits ( Wolfe 1979 ) .
8 The Panel agreed it would have been too traumatic for the children to bring them back .
9 ‘ Yes , yes , indeed ; aim for the legs to bring them down .
10 Yeah , what have they , those people who are waiting for the police to check it out , the is it ?
11 For a more curly effect , tong smaller sections of hair then run your fingers through the curls to separate them out
12 Had the disengagement happened in any other way , it would have been worth sending all his army , Normans included , crashing through the trees to clean them out while the fighting-power was still in them and Siward 's troops were disorganised by the sudden descent of the cavalry .
13 The person who did tip off the authorities turned it down .
14 He took one hand off the controls to sweep it out in a large gesture that took in the whole of the City of London .
15 The impact of the rounds knocked him over on top of Kaptan .
16 ‘ Yes I do — I guess one of the others picked it up and it was just an unfamiliar name .
17 One of the respondents turned it over and read it and said oh well you could put that in the wine shop .
18 The end of the wars drove them back to the British Isles , and some of them turned to fight for land in Ireland .
19 To start with Wednesday night one of the customers rang me up
20 Also , the ghosts of the carvers frightened me off .
21 One of the wrestlers tipped her up by her ankles , and she too vanished into the hole , high-heeled pumps kicking as she was swallowed by whatever machine or animal lurked below .
22 One of the policemen followed me in ; he looked hard at me .
23 Afterwards , one of the servants led us down to a vaulted cellar .
24 A man who was on one of the tours asked me out .
25 Two of the archers picked me up under the armpits and hustled me down the steps of the scaffold .
26 The fear that he 'd be denied sight of the sanctum at the top of the stairs spurred him on , his body doing its ragged best to accommodate his ambition .
27 The respite was not to last however for , just as she heard the guards wondering aloud if they had hit her , someone on one of the freighters pointed her out with a cry .
28 Some of the men carried you out into the light in the gallery . ’
29 Two of the men flung themselves down on a bench , scabbards clattering , while the third strode forward , kicking Isabel 's abandoned bucket out of his path .
30 On the ground , in accordance with this order , 5 Corps had already entered into arrangements with the Yugoslavs to take them over , and the first batches of Croats had already been repatriated , with the remaining categories to follow .
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