Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] [Wh det] [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 However , the research assistant responsible for organizing fieldwork in the two outer-city community studies ( John Harris ) is an Ulsterman , and therefore , although in no sense associated with any of Ulster 's political pressure groups , was very conscious that there were parts of the city which he could not visit freely and confidently .
2 I nodded towards the bedchamber which I could glimpse through a half open door .
3 If things went well , we 'd get our investment back in five years , with a handsome profit as well , and we 'd still have effective control of a hotel which we could continue to operate as part of our group .
4 Sleeper depressions are very clear along this part of the line , and , apart from that , there are some cut hardwood tree stumps of a size which I could hardly believe , bearing in mind that the line has been closed only thirty-five years .
5 She thought even of a proposal which she could have the pleasure of turning down .
6 The factor which clinched their decision was the discovery of a house which they could only afford to buy if all three pooled their resources .
7 ‘ The idea was that each publican would have a booklet of facts behind the bar which he could use to settle arguments , ’ says the current editor Peter Matthews .
8 Whether it was the unsavoury reputation of the government of Lloyd George ; or whether it was the division in the party between the followers of Lloyd George and the followers of Asquith ; or whether it was the aftermath of universal suffrage and the desire of the working man for a party which he could call his own — it now looked certain that the party division of the country would no longer lie between Liberal and Conservative but in a wider gulf between Conservative and Labour , with the Liberal Party on the sideline .
9 " Yes , there is , " Martha replied , with a firmness which she could hardly have inherited either from her father or her mother , " but there 's no reason why we should n't go and look at things .
10 But the shift in focus involved in the journey south did not necessarily reposition the directors who had once rediscovered northern grime into a world which they could explore with sympathy and understanding .
11 He stopped every now and then to listen to the patient lapping of the water , the light breeze in the leaves , scurries and sounds in the wood which he could not identify but which helped to reinforce the solitude he needed .
12 If one writes and asks — or begs — British Rail to include improvements in the Bill which it could easily have done by extending part III , one gets the same treatment .
13 You had a death in the family which I could understand , so I lent you a book , which you have n't returned .
14 Or perhaps he felt he had no choice , perhaps he did n't know about the other places in the city which he could have gone to ; anyway he became a real regular , and soon he was there most nights , in fact every night , six nights a week , The Bar being open every day of the week except Monday , usually from the afternoon and always until three a.m. ( at least officially ) .
15 One Monday morning I lay in bed looking out of my skylight window at nothing in particular ; there was n't anything to see except sky because the window was merely a hole in the roof which you could open or shut with a long wooden handle .
16 We needed to alternate between the past and the future , and while we had two good historical scripts in , none of the writers David had commissioned had yet produced anything set in the future which we could use .
17 It was at the very next stage was n't it that you had this switch from a boundary which we could accept to one which we profoundly could not accept ?
18 " Keep still all of you ! " he shouted again , in a tone which none could fail to hear .
19 Now in a way what you could say what we have here is a trunk of a tree and the branches and then the leaves and the fruit at different levels on this .
20 Its composer , the Argentinian Alejandro Mayol , sought to express the Christian faith in a language which everyone could understand — at all levels of society .
21 The exchange 's acquiescence in a practice which it could reasonably be expected to have been aware of could amount to a waiver or estoppel ; enough at any rate to deter the exchange from taking disciplinary action against members who have followed the particular practice .
22 This does not affect the cogency of his criticism and prognostication — the cultural barbarism which he feared has perhaps descended , although not in a form which he could have envisaged .
23 There was a strange sort of hissing in the bracken to the west which I could n't put a name to .
24 After the object ( a toy car ) had been put at B , the boxes were locked ; with the result that most of the infants went straight to B , could not get in , and returned to A and tried to gain entry to a box which they could see ( whatever ‘ see ’ means here exactly ) was empty .
25 On a date which he could not subsequently remember but which was before 3 October 1939 , he was tuning in his radio , when he heard a familiar voice .
26 The company wanted to standardise on a system which it could operate throughout Europe and the Middle East , but which , in turn , could consolidate all the European information to provide reports to the US .
27 Two hundred years ago if you wanted to show off to the neighbours you built a tower on a hill which they could n't help but see for miles around .
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