Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] [pron] will just " in BNC.

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1 For the moment we 'll just watch it .
2 I think for the moment I 'll just enjoy these two dishes if that 's okay .
3 Well all I can suggest is the case is adjourned for the week we 'll just have to arrange a solicitor to be here .
4 Whilst the , the London Region speakers come into the rostra I 'll just make the point , Peggy in fact is only the third women that 's spoken this morning .
5 In the meantime I 'll just carry on going to visit him .
6 Oh , in the meantime I 'll just see if mum 's available , she can baby sit
7 In the interim I 'll just keep my fingers crossed .
8 That 's for live ; in the studio we 'll just use a good microphone in front of the f-hole !
9 If there are a lot of people sitting in a room they 'll just sit there and they wo n't communicate , whereas two or three or four or five residents will communicate quite freely — they do n't feel inhibited or they do n't feel they 're interrupting somebody else 's television programme or radio or something like that . ’
10 Mm the water in my other pond is crystal clear , see straight down to the bottom , and another thing I want this hedge quite high cos keep the sun off my pond , if you let the sun on the pond it 'll just go green
11 if I see anything on the table I 'll just pop it in a freezer bag
12 Would you hold on a moment I 'll just get Margaret to the phone cos she really deals with the bookings hold on a second !
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