Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , the gap between movements of this kind ( which have sometimes been called ‘ pre-political ’ ) and modern social movements remains large , for the latter exist on a vastly greater scale , are more directly involved in political conflict , are influenced by more rigorous and elaborate ideologies , and have as a rule a more enduring , less ephemeral , character .
2 But this would be at a great price for the many to deal with the problems of the few .
3 The French Corps des Galères was suppressed in 1748 ; and by the time of the French Revolution , except for the few maintained by the Spanish fleet and one or two in the navies of the small Italian States , galleys had disappeared from the sea which they had so long dominated .
4 Note that I said ‘ do I want to be ’ rather than ‘ would I like to be ’ as the latter allows for the possibility of failure .
5 Llanthony Yard has been created at the museum as an example of a canal repair yard and has a layout typical of the many found around the canal system .
6 Behind the wall was part of Moorlake 's garden , but most of the latter lay behind the house itself , and ran down to a small stream , with a view beyond of fields and woods , some forty acres of which had been owned by Alicia Lockwood , the remains of her father 's more extensive holding .
7 In theory the self-appraisal and inspection are complementary exercises and the value of the latter depends on the quality of the former .
8 During the period of industrial calm which followed 1906 , SRs and Social Democrats alike were reduced to a rump , party membership of the latter falling from the probably inflated figure of 150,000 to some 10,000 .
9 Kraemer and Roberts ( 1984 ) interpreted their results as implying that the pre-exposure procedure and the conditioning procedure establish independent memories and the ability of the former to interfere with retrieval of the latter declines over the retention interval .
10 For example , M Thompson et al. ( 1986 ) have highlighted the fact that estimates of the latter vary by a factor of 67 !
11 Presumably none of the former volunteered for the project !
12 There are five articles on the Valadier family workshop , all stimulated by the recent spectacular discoveries of drawings and documents — many of the former included in the memorable exhibition mounted by the Artemis group in 1991 .
13 It has plenty of slots — seven 16-bit and one 8-bit — with two of the former occupied by the video card and yet another minuscule component , the multi-I/O card with floppy and IDE interfaces , which is barely two inches tall .
14 A good example of the former occurred during the passage of the British submarine H.50 , which in 1941 was being escorted by the destroyer Worcester off the north Norfolk coast in waters where German E-boats often used to attack .
15 The Act of Settlement of 1701 , which determined the succession to the throne , affirmed that the laws of England " are the Birthright of the People thereof and all the Kings and Queens who shall ascend the Throne of this Realm ought to administer the Government of the same according to the said Laws and all their Officers and Ministers ought to serve them respectively according to the same . "
16 Christian was one of the few killed in the capture of Rangoon , which had come about more quickly than most of us expected .
17 We had been privy to a re-enactment of the movements of a former working on the old harbour branch , and although not frightened we were all very puzzled by the strange sequence of events .
18 Since then General Electric has paid $150million for a half stake in the Hungarian light bulb manufacturer Tunsgram and General Motors has decided to build an engine plant there .
19 Tension was exacerbated by the cold-war rhetoric which both President Reagan and Mrs Thatcher consciously adopted , with the former referring to the ‘ Evil Empire ’ in Eastern Europe and the latter revelling in the ‘ Iron Maiden ’ label which the Russians themselves had affixed to her .
20 ‘ Uncle Pepi ’ was then sometimes obliged to bring them to their senses with a few slaps about the face .
21 He left Kathleen to strap the toes together with a gauze swab between them to maintain the alignment , and then sent them off with a few coproxamol for the pain .
22 This section covers only a few of the documents published over the past hundred years on the geology of the Channel bed , including a few relating to the 1970s project which seems particularly relevant today .
23 Arrows indicate the C α- C' of CsA in a that corresponds to the N-C' bond of the tetrapeptide substrate in b .
24 I think that the whole business was just another gimmick to add to the many introduced to the Church over these last 20 years .
25 I did n't want to have to keep carrying her back to the same perch for the rest of her life , although she did occasionally fly to the perch herself , she was so used to it .
26 The defence is solid … remember we were playing Wimbledon … the last thing they do is give the defence an easy time — I thought they coped well and limited Wimbledon to a few shot from the edge of the box — which beeney coped with admirably .
27 Run by the few fell to the many , and
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