Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun prp] is [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The result of the inquiry will determine the future of nuclear power in Britain — it will also influence nuclear programmes in other countries , for the UK is pretty well the last of the industrialised nations to adopt this particular reactor technology .
2 As the UK is predominantly urban it follows that our dominant ideology must be urban .
3 The Admiral will not need reminding that the radar aboard the Ariadne is as advanced as any in the world . ’
4 The Parable of the Darnel is quite straightforward .
5 If the state of the DC is not ACTIVE , an error message will be generated and LIFESPAN ABLE will stop at the end of the prepass phase .
6 ‘ Every Thursday the courtyard of the Dargah is so full of visitors that it is difficult even to approach the Place and touch it , ’ he writes .
7 The story of the Polgars is therefore much more one of educational techniques , a unique and deliberate experiment in environmental conditioning , than it is of chess .
8 Cheltenham , part of the relatively affluent Southern ‘ sunbelt ’ of the UK is especially interesting because of its semi-rural setting and its traditional ( yet clearly fading ) image as a retirement community for the ex-colonial class .
9 No turbo version of the Safrane is currently available in the UK .
10 The Church of the Pantanassa is particularly fine , sited on a hillside ledge overlooking the valley .
11 The success of the E.H.E. is therefore dependent on a number of factors :
12 The sticker phenomenon is most noticeable , understandably , around the SAS ' St Agnes base , although , surprisingly , in Newquay the profile of the SAS is relatively low .
13 In terms of the emphasis given to agriculture in the EC , the structure of the budget of the EC is very different from national budgets .
14 The butterfly population of the Alps is only 1 per cent of the level at the start of this century , Alp Action says , because of the use of pesticides and uprooting of hedgerows .
15 The ultimate fate of the Mohawks is even sadder .
16 Although much of the Netherlands is below sea-level , its existing flood defences should protect it .
17 A second , though less common suggestion , is that the undivided unity of the Godhead is symbolically female , whereas the three individuated persons , the energies of the Godhead in their differentiation , are symbolically male .
18 It is undeniable that the individualized character of the Reeve is very prominent as a result of his self-reflexions in his prologue , and that the common theme of the scales of justice in Prologue and Tale invites us to make our own assessments of characters and actions there portrayed .
19 The programme of the RSCM is also expanding , to cover a wider range of instruments and styles .
20 Although the exterior of the Oberland is very traditional with shuttered windows festooned with flowers and the interior decor is quite modern .
21 The Defence Ministry ban on the BBC broadcasting from the home of the Dambusters is as cowardly as Guy Gibson and his men were brave .
22 To publish falsely , of an Irish priest , that he informed on members of the IRA is not defamatory : it may cause him to be executed by terrorists , but the law offers him no way of securing a correction .
23 The legal position of the IRA is thus indicative of the inviolability of the statehood of the Republic in the national — popular consciousness .
24 The story of the Borders is largely one of cattle-rustling on a scale which would have amazed even the American Wild West , of internecine feuds as violent as those of Sicily , and of cliques of racketeers who brought into the language the term ‘ blackmail ’ , meaning ‘ black meal ’ or ‘ black rent ’ — in other words , protection money .
25 However the study shows that the degree quality of the AEs is relatively weak .
26 In the Celtiberic Mountains of eastern Spain , the three-fold division of the Trias is as clear as in Germany and the cross-bedded , red " Bundsandstein " ( for example , along the Rio Cabriel , south-west of Teruel ) is exactly like the road.cuttings near Bridgnorth in the English Midlands .
27 Her need of the steadying , mature containment of the Ryans is as clear as ice water , for there is much in her professional and personal past that has had to be relinquished .
28 The ‘ success ’ of the LDDC is now suspect and its operations under closer scrutiny .
29 ‘ We have been advised that the Contributions Agency of the DSS is not entitled to collect NICs for fuel provided to an employee for private use and paid for with an All Star Fuel Card in the tax year 1989/90 .
30 The use of a DBMS is not necessary to develop information systems , but it is part of the methodology for implementing information systems discussed in this text .
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