Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [verb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 It actually takes someone who has lived through the past 40 years as an adult to appreciate how extraordinarily the England of the 1970s differed from the England of the 1940s , and the France , Italy or Spain of the 1980s from those countries in the early 1950s .
2 During the period of industrial calm which followed 1906 , SRs and Social Democrats alike were reduced to a rump , party membership of the latter falling from the probably inflated figure of 150,000 to some 10,000 .
3 But many archbishops were delighted by the excuse to go on pilgrimage to Rome ; and one of the first to benefit from the custom was Sigeric , archbishop of Canterbury ( 990 — 4 ) , who has left us a kind of diary of his visit — first of the churches in Rome which a pilgrim had especially to visit and to pray in , and then of the stages on his long journey back to Canterbury .
4 His mother is one of the first to benefit from the use of the new monitor .
5 He became one of the first to benefit from the plastic surgery techniques pioneered by Sir Archibald
6 The blood of the wounded trickled from the bank , spilling like one of the showers that freshened the earth each day , and flowed downstream towards the sea , which was not so far that its rich scarlet could diffuse before it met the waves .
7 One of the latest comes from the Ecclesiastical insurance group and it is a freestanding AVC , ie , it is not linked in with your company pension scheme .
8 The revenues that washed over both for much of the 1980s flowed from the same wellspring .
9 At that time local authorities could be seen as acting in the interests of the majority — the phrase from the last paragraph of the 1978 extract from the Library Association record above ( omitted from the 1989 policy statement ) ‘ either on grounds of … a desire to ‘ protect ’ public morality' suggests so .
10 Four of the dead came from an American service family stationed at Brandon , Suffolk .
11 Smith could not trace Vial 's tomb ; the chapel was later pulled down , and the bodies buried there were transferred to the Great Northern Cemetery in New Southgate where , on the western side , shaded by yew trees , huge vault slabs cover the remains of the dead removed from the Savoy chapel in the Strand .
12 It was not bad for a first try from a scratch team , ’ added Chris .
13 By 1937 there was one individual Party member for every five affiliated from the unions .
14 The first contains a set of six quartets together with a seventh drawn from a second part of the composer 's Musique de Table ( 1733 ) .
15 THE B-52's : ‘ Is That You Mo-Dean ? ’ beehive-pop folk precede their forthcoming UK tour with a single taken from the current Don Wax/Nile Rodgers produced album ‘ Good Stuff ’ , 12 inch and special hologram CD include various remixes by house evangelist Moby
16 Like Muddy , he went acoustic again in the mid-'60s to profit from the white-promoted folk revival , but mainly John Lee has stayed true to his Iron Man vocation .
17 The classic British ‘ regional problem ’ of the coalfields in the 1930s resulted from the collapse of the coal industry ( partly as a result of the collapse of the UK 's position within an earlier international division of labour ) which had been so central to the economic structure of a number of areas of the country .
18 Probably the most systematic exposition of such a proposal in the 1930s came from the research organization Political and Economic Planning ( PEP ) .
19 Tallis went outside quickly , alert for the boy , her own heart racing in response to the awful wailing from the woods .
20 It lists the revenues due to the apostolic see from the patrimonial estates and the tributes and payments from various European secular rulers and religious houses .
21 Paris could hardly believe its ears a few days later when Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau entered the Salle Pleyel , exactly 40 years after his Parisian début , to sing Die Schöne Müllerin with ( once past the buffeted consonants and fatal eruptions of ‘ Das Wandern ’ ) a mezza voce intact , and a sensitive response to the warmhearted suggesting from the piano of Christoph Eschenbach , that one could hardly believe possible ( and more astounding still in that immense hall ! ) .
22 The defence is solid … remember we were playing Wimbledon … the last thing they do is give the defence an easy time — I thought they coped well and limited Wimbledon to a few shot from the edge of the box — which beeney coped with admirably .
23 The company plans to concentrate on Britain , Germany and Belgium — the areas expected to be among the first to benefit from a turnaround in the property sector , especially in industrial and office buildings .
24 The villus height depends upon two factors ; firstly on cellular multiplication and differentiation from the crypts ; and secondly on the migration of mature cells along the villus axis , accompanied by the cellular shedding from the apex .
25 ‘ We were alerted by a 999 call from the pilot station at the mouth of the Tees , ’ said a spokesman .
26 Below the greater families stood a large number of lesser nobles , a few styling themselves ‘ baron ’ , most content with the title of ‘ seigneur ’ or ‘ sire ’ , often accompanied by a patronymic derived from the name of their principal or original lordship .
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