Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] she could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , through the gloom she could just make out the dried-up fountain in the middle of it , and , straight ahead , the huge studded doors of a church .
2 Through the trees she could sometimes see the roofs of houses .
3 Her spine , neck and shoulders ached dully , but after a while she could almost relish the aches , as if each physical pain was another blotter for the press of ideas in her head .
4 The pain was becoming so intense that by the end of the day she could hardly grip her scissors .
5 As the hand-maid of the Lord , most of the time she could only be there , watching helplessly .
6 Much of the time she could only be ridden towards her dinner bucket ; any other direction except backwards produced complete refusal .
7 She reached out across the street and tried to get an idea of the shape of a building she could dimly see .
8 At the top of a wave she could easily see across the Longstone rock to the other side .
9 There were no stores like the ones she could now see flashing past the cab window , fine jewellers and milliners , bookshops and department stores , their windows displaying a variety of goods Ellie had only ever seen in the pictures of second-hand magazines .
10 And afterwards , for a second she had felt him relax against her , his body spent , his feelings so near the surface she could almost reach out and touch them , and then he had wrenched himself away from her and the defences had gone slamming back up , shutting her out .
11 On the wall behind the plant she could just make out irregular painted spirals of pale gold .
12 For a second she could only gaze at him , completely at a loss .
13 For a second she could almost feel the warm slump of the hare 's body , and its weight when it swung from her hand , heavy and loose , as she carried it home by the ears .
14 It was not a matter of ‘ if only … ’ , but rather a nostalgia for a different , a parallel plane of existence , a nostalgia for a future she could never have lived .
15 For a moment she could barely breathe .
16 For a moment she could hardly take it in .
17 Unexpected , it was like a surprise confrontation , and for a moment she could only stare blindly at the familiar name .
18 For a moment she could only stare at him , completely at a loss as to what he meant .
19 And as a background she could still see those policemen going in and out of the house in Mouncy Street the day she had seen John Coffin sitting outside .
20 ‘ Benedict ! ’ she called out after him , her voice rampant with the passion she could no longer control .
21 ‘ I 'm taking you in my arms , ’ he returned with a calmness she could only envy from the bottom of her heart .
22 What had gone from the attic she could only guess , for she did not remember half the things they stored there .
23 In the meantime she could only help them as best she could which , being Eva Burrows , was a great deal .
24 By moving her head about and squinting through gaps in the foliage she could just follow his actions .
25 She might have found him attractive , but there was no way in the world she could ever give a damn about a man who was as dishonest and as hard-hearted as he was !
26 Bare , a little shabby , sorely in need of a fresh coat of paint , yet the room excited her in a way she could never have explained .
27 She knelt to lay the tray on the grass , then , frankly curious , turned to study him in a way she could never have done had he been conscious .
28 Yet jumping on the bed she could almost be a normal , happy little girl .
29 Across the way she could just glimpse the motorspeeder .
30 Turning , he grinned at the apprehension she could hardly hide .
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