Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] [conj] make her " in BNC.

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1 She had no wish to appear impolite but there was something about the man that made her cringe .
2 And was it only yesterday when she 'd worked beside him at the barbecue while becoming vitally conscious of the attraction that made her feel drawn towards him ?
3 She withdrew , and Claudia opened the door , steeling herself to greet Roman without a trace of the emotion that made her want to run out of the flat , away from the two people she loved most and who were causing her so much pain that she wanted to die .
4 , And much as she had disliked the old women when they were grasping at her and joking about her , she did notice that they comforted her mother , talking about her two lovely clever daughters , and made her join in a bit of a singsong and made her laugh .
5 He touched her gently under the chin and made her look up .
6 She barely has time to recover before Nina Myskow breezes in with a smile that makes her look like a 10-year-old ( a ten-year-old Stilton , that is ) , hurls her customary , ‘ Hello , you old bag , ’ and her reflection kisses the air beside my cheek .
7 Within seconds Travis was behind her , swinging her round with a grip that made her wince .
8 With a meekness that made her feel mean , he knelt down on the floor and started to gather his cuttings together .
9 Damian 's voice rose in fury as he strode to them , reached them and pushed Tony away from Rachel with a violence that made her cry out in horror as Tony stumbled backwards .
10 ‘ Which presumably makes me the better teacher , ’ he returned with a dryness that made her want to pummel him with her fists from sheer frustration .
11 She frowned ; there was something about the people in the water that made her look more closely .
12 The answer came suddenly , a slap in the face that made her wince : because , on the only occasion when Merrill had actually confronted him with her suspicions — had brought them right out into the open — she had n't given him a chance to explain .
13 If Dimity chose to leave her , then she must wish her all the happiness in the world and make her going easy for her .
14 He curled his arm round Claudia 's waist , smiling at the receptionist in a way that made her assure him she would keep his secret .
15 Marc was still gripping her wrist in a way that made her feel like melting against him .
16 She could feel the hard muscles of his body pressing against her side , his arm sheltering her in a way that made her trust him .
17 Fran tried to step past him , but he just stood where he was , making no attempt to get out of her way while he continued to study her in a way that made her suddenly self-conscious .
18 Just for a second she met his curious gaze then looked away , feeling her heart pounding in a way that made her feel sick .
19 He punched her on the head and made her do pull-ups against a door frame .
20 A mother who has put her daughter on the stage and made her into a teenage star is obviously aware that she is moulding something special .
21 She said goodbye to Jenny at the garage and made her a parting present of the Brownie Annual , which left Jenny almost speechless with delight .
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