Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] [conj] [verb] we " in BNC.

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1 For the time being you will retain hands-on responsibility for the operation but afford us any assistance we require .
2 ‘ We 've been rehearsing steadily for the tour and live we are very confrontational .
3 ‘ They gave us a key for the apartment and left us to it .
4 The architect and his wife would put Eric up for the night and give us both a delicious dinner , the Signora exercising just the degree of chaperonage that was considered desirable at that time .
5 We 'll just leave that for the meantime and keep We 'll we 'll remember .
6 We live in a cause-and-effect world and feel uncomfortable if we can not discover the reasons for the events that surround us .
7 Let us pray for the church and for the world and let us thank God for His goodness
8 Let us pray for the church and for the world and let us thank God for His goodness
9 The result is important since it decreases the rate of bladder filling during the night and allows us to sleep longer .
10 As the triggers that motivate us may change according to circumstance , the ability to listen to your inner voice and let it direct you is a useful one .
11 Well tell us erm tell us about the payment and tell us what 's happening to you and what you 're gon na have to do .
12 We need to ensure , for the health of this country , that a wide range of voice and view is heard by allowing proper national debate about the issues that bind us as well as the issues that divide us .
13 Often the wonderful natural natural story-teller in Walker breaks through the marshmallow and has us on the edge of the chair , but finally and lamentably this is a failure .
14 The blast furnace heat at Aswan jumps off the tarmac and hits us like a blow as I lead my group towards the terminal building .
15 ‘ Now , it 's not unusual for someone to come in off the street and tell us they owe a million . ’
16 A week after the operation that took us to Southern Ireland , I was told to take Venturous up the east coast to Hull and from there , after a crew change , we were to carry out extended patrols northwards which would eventually involve us in a complete circumnavigation of the British Isles .
17 ‘ We did n't get the rub of the green and felt we deserved something , but we got zilch and I think it is because this Villa side are so good .
18 It should be recognised that many of the problems that face us are not a result of the National Curriculum ; they have existed in the curriculum for decades .
19 This objective , though still sought as the panacea for all stratigraphical ills , has caused many of the problems that afflict us today .
20 ‘ As we move into independence , we will be conscious of the help and support we have had from the LEA .
21 Secondly , if it is not the rules of the sentence that enable us to be meaningful and to perceive meaning , then what is it ?
22 As a church are we willing to accept the rule of the Prince of Peace and the power of the resurrection or do we prefer to shut our doors to the pains of the poor and pretend they are not there Pause
23 If he is that much of a wimp , why does he not get out of the road and let us take over ?
24 I have made mention elsewhere of the sense that warns us of impending danger , and will not labour the subject further beyond stating that this sense is a very real one and that I do not know , and therefore can not explain , what brings it into operation .
25 Separation releases the brakes of the inhibition and frees us in the two worlds .
26 ‘ One of the things that attracted us to him is that he is someone who is willing to stand up and speak against something that he believes is wrong . ’
27 One of the things that concerns us is provision for people who are unemployed and we are we are speaking and working , speaking to and working with the Labour Group and the Labour Party on establishing a centre for people who are unemployed .
28 One of the things that helped us over this difficult period was the fact that earlier that year the cutter crews had decided to form their very own association .
29 I am sure that one of the things that prevents us from accepting help is that we think other people wo n't do things the way we do them .
30 The single market needs the Social Charter , the Labour Group backs the Social p Charter , the Labour Group is ready for 1993 and the sooner you lot get out of the way and let us get on with it , the better .
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