Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] [noun] [conj] says " in BNC.

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1 He blames speculators and traders for the shock waves and says the surge in prices ca n't be justified by the oil crisis .
2 Ask Computer Systems Inc has expanded its Manman/X business information system to include support for the Oracle database and says it has signed a worldwide pact with Oracle Systems Corp to become an Oracle Business Alliance Partner : the two will continue to offer their respective products directly to mutual customers , and maintain separate but co-ordinated support staffs .
3 No two days are the same for the Buildings Branch and says it 's the variety which makes his job so enjoyable .
4 Past a funeral parlour that says ‘ We 're here to help you ’ ?
5 It 's like an ad for a Ford Sierra that says , ‘ Drive from A to B ’ .
6 Networx is venture-backed with funding from Vanguard Venture Partners and Paragon Venture Partners with a business plan that says it can be a $35m to $50m company .
7 The funding is on commercial terms under a Water Act that says Thames is entitled to make reasonable returns on capital .
8 Buckland admits that he feels sympathy for users caught in the cross fire but says ‘ in defence of IBM , it was not us who diverged from the strategy that was laid down ’ and that those who stick with LAN Server will have a guaranteed migration path towards a DCE/DME-based system .
9 It 's just one , one of those many piec pieces of evidence you know so that the Freud you know like the great detective you know uses all these little insignificant facts and finally puts them all together and draws everybody together you know in the drawing room and says I will now reveal the murderer , you know Moses was not an Egyptian , sorry Moses was not a Jew he was an Egyptian .
10 Well , if we draw stumps and do n't go to them and somebody writes to the Chief Constable and says I 'm very disappointed that your force no longer is gone A L O's then I shall be very happy that that letters received by the Chief because we can say well we told you so .
11 If a person goes to the town hall and says that he qualifies for a discount , the authority will need proof .
12 Then she apologises , draws hard on a Marlboro Light and says , ’ I 've never felt that I was extraordinary looking , just conventionally pretty .
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