Example sentences of "[adj] over [art] next [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 The State of World Population 1992 report , released on April 29 by the United Nations Population Fund ( UNFPA ) , projected an annual increase in the world 's population of about 97,000,000 over the next ten years .
2 The fashion of railway excursions became very popular over the next 100 years , spreading throughout Britain and far beyond , and it is seldom realised that this leisure pursuit began in Ayrshire , with Troon and Barassie as the first seaside resorts for railway passengers .
3 Given the British Government 's determination to provide official aid to democratic countries — we are seeing the emergence of a growing number of them — does my hon. Friend agree that it would be proper and popular over the next five years to halve the gap between our official aid and the United Nations target ?
4 THE NUMBER of army bands is to be cut by half over the next two years — but all Scottish regimental pipes and drums have escaped the axe .
5 The government meets three quarters of the costs of section eleven projects , but that 's being cut to half over the next two years .
6 According to a study by Italy 's joint chiefs of staff , a manpower shortage may lead to the army being cut by up to half over the next 20 years .
7 On Feb. 26 , 1991 , the Anglo-Dutch food and cleaning products company , Unilever , announced that it would be cutting 5,500 jobs from a total workforce of 110,000 over the next three years .
8 It is intended to identify specific issues for attention within a comprehensive national agenda of issues of science and technology policy thought likely to be prominent over the next 10-15 years .
9 Thomas Cook 's UK travel agency network had its best year ever last year and plans are under way to increase the current branch network of 340 by at least another 100 over the next two years .
10 Tandy Corp broke ground in Dallas on Tuesday for its third Incredible Universe computer megastores , and says it plans to open 14 more US-wide over the next three years : the first two are in Wilsonville , Oregon and Arlington , Texas ; the one in Dallas will be the biggest yet .
11 Despite having an army of 285,000 ( to be cut to 250,000 over the next three years ) , France would have been hard-pressed to do more .
12 A total of £1.1 million was payable on completion in cash , with the balance payable over the next three years .
13 Education Secretary John Patten says the Government wants to boost the number of students in further education by 222,000 over the next three years .
14 As the Western and Eastern alliances fade — as now looks increasingly likely over the next few years — the European Community will become the dominant focus for European foreign policy and security .
15 With the growth that seems likely over the next few years one can not help asking what the future holds .
16 Ozone depletion is likely to become more rapid over the next few years , according to researchers from the University of Arizona 's lunar and planetary laboratory , because of links between ozone concentrations and the sun 's activity .
17 However , Brian Carr , head of community services at Barclays Bank , says the bank expects to make 15,000 staff redundant over the next three years , and seconds at most 100 people at any one time .
18 It might be thought that a programme which proposes to cut the federal workforce by 100,000 over the next four years had scant claim to be a drive for jobs .
19 It is slashing its UK retailing workforce by 3,500 over the next five years , a staggering 20% of the 15,000 total .
20 ‘ A woman whose response to Chernobyl is that only thirty-one people were killed , who can dismiss as unimportant one of the world 's greatest nuclear disasters which put thousands in hospital , exposed a hundred thousand or more to dangerous radioactivity , devastated vast areas of land , and may result in deaths from cancer amounting to fifty thousand over the next fifty years , is totally unsuitable to be trusted to work in an atomic power station .
21 NIPPON Telegraph and Telephone , the Japanese telecommunications group , is reducing its workforce by 20,000 to 230,000 over the next two years as part of an 80 billion yen ( £343m ) cost-cutting programme .
22 Initially , the company will create 200 new jobs , rising to 520 over the next few years .
23 And the firm has orders for 20 more over the next two years .
24 The 63,500 places now available should not be allowed to reduce to 54,000 over the next five years , as would be the case if the 15 per cent .
25 The White House wants to see stations that could come in at either $5 billion , $7 billion or $9 billion over the next five years .
26 Last year Freedom was expected to cost $15 billion over the next five years ; when it comes back , moderately foreshortened , at $7 billion , why should anyone believe the new price ?
27 The tax signalled that he was both tough on the deficit ( it will raise , he hopes , $12 billion over the next five years , and $12 billion a year thereafter ) and serious about the environment ( the more people have to pay for energy , the less likely they are to squander it . )
28 It is estimated by the Russian government that Russia alone will require $30 billion over the next five years simply to stabilise its oil production , ’ he added .
29 " We will be spending £26 billion over the next 10 years to put right years of neglect , and that includes investments in sewage works . "
30 The total cost to the electricity generating industry , it said , would be £6 billion over the next 10 years .
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