Example sentences of "[adj] years there have [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Over the past few years there has been increasing interest in the biological characteristics of biliary and gall bladder epithelial cells in an attempt to enhance our understanding of diseases affecting the biliary tree .
2 During the last few years there has been growing concern over the effects of sharp regional variations in house prices on the mobility of labour .
3 In the last fifty years there has been increasing competition from foreign textile and clothing firms for markets in all parts of the world .
4 During these years there had been routine protests in places like the United Nations , which France ignored , and around the island of Moruroa itself involving the Greenpeace organisation .
5 The divisions were given the go-ahead for construction five years in advance of the anticipated need for capacity , but during the previous three years there had been detailed consultations between headquarters and the divisions , about the power requirements , about the site , and about the design and layout of the proposed plant .
6 Over the last three years there has been vigorous discussion of the consequences of the removal of trade and currency controls on the eastern European economies .
7 One further point : the actuarial profession is firmly egalitarian and for many years there have been equal opportunities for women .
8 During the last ten years there has been considerable progress towards ensuring that thematic work is incremental , that undue repetition is avoided and that the skills , attitudes , concepts and knowledge of the integrated subjects are taught sequentially .
9 Over the last ten years there have been major changes in the employment structure of British society .
10 In the debates over the last twenty years there has been considerable interplay of theological and sociological reasoning , with social scientists also contributing to papers and discussions .
11 Clearly in the last twenty years there has been growing controversy about fundamental aspects of policing , unprecedented in this century .
12 Over the past 15 years there have been great advances towards an ordinary life in the community for people with learning difficulties : the growth of ordinary housing ; the development of employment and education opportunities ; steps towards integration in the community and more flexible support services ; and the mushrooming of self-advocacy .
13 The report points out that over the past two years there have been international hotel mergers and acquisitions worth $8.8b ( £5.5b ) .
14 In recent years there had been considerable debate about the nature of the railways ' contribution to economic growth .
15 Over recent years there has been increasing interest in these widely distributed and biologically important compounds , and their importance in platelet biochemistry and platelet-vessel wall interactions has been emphasised .
16 In recent years there has been increasing emphasis on the importance of training for staff at all levels in libraries of all kinds but apart from a circular letter sent out by The Library Association in 1976 , and two publications on the subject , one in 1977 and another in 1978 , there have been no systematic attempts to assess overall provision of training in the UK .
17 There is no presumption that monopoly is necessarily bad , and the Commission is charged to investigate whether or not the monopoly acts against the public interest , a brief that may be widely interpreted though in recent years there has been increasing emphasis on the ‘ maintenance and promotion of effective competition ’ .
18 In recent years there has been increasing interest in the evaluation of performance in the public sector of the economy .
19 In recent years there has been growing concern about the effects of alcohol and discussion of the most effective forms of treatment response for excessive alcohol use .
20 In recent years there has been growing attention to the effects of different types of employment regulation on the structure of labour markets and performance of employment relations .
21 In recent years there has been remarkable expansion in the provision of humanitarian assistance for refugees by internationally based NGOs backed by major donors .
22 In recent years there has been considerable discussion of the role of the Sovereign in the eventuality of a hung Parliament , such as that of 1929–31 , and the general conclusion has been that her role is essentially a passive one .
23 In recent years there has been considerable interest in assessing the general feasibility of predicting future violence and dangerousness in individuals and families ( see Parton and Parton , 1989 ; Parton and Small , 1989 ) .
24 In recent years there has been considerable discussion of the extent to which university research addresses industrial needs .
25 MI6 remains to this day a secret organisation that does not officially exist despite the fact that in recent years there have been numerous books written about its activities .
26 In recent years there have been feminist theologians who , far from believing there to be a gap to be bridged between past and present , have emphasized rather the continuity to be found in the situation of women .
27 although in recent years there have been significant improvements in the provision of research and library facilities for M.P.s these still lag fir behind those available to their counterparts abroad .
28 In recent years there have been significant statutory interventions protecting the consumer .
29 Yet research into contemporary demography and statistics soon demonstrates that in recent years there have been dramatic changes in trends and patterns of marriage , divorce and cohabitation .
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