Example sentences of "[verb] over a [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , whereas in the relational model information about the object customer would be scattered over a number of relations ( which could be : customer , holding customer name and address information ; sales ledger , holding details about the debts of the customer ; invoice , holding details of payments due ) , in the object-oriented model there would be one object , customer , reflecting all this information .
2 Travel agents and tour operators often make back to back reservations which means that certain accommodation is booked over a period of time and as one group of guests depart another group takes their place .
3 Allowance will be made for the early payment of a lump sum to the employer which he would have earned over a period of time .
4 Such a selection policy is clearly professionally and publicly unacceptable , from any political grouping , and if pursued over a period of time , will surely replace education with propaganda as one of the purposes of the public library service .
5 At the meeting Eduard Shevardnadze , the Soviet Foreign Minister , proposed the " decoupling " of the internal and external aspects of unification so that the former could be completed swiftly while allowing a unified Germany 's security status to be resolved over a number of years .
6 The riots appear to have been precipitated by an apparently casual incident when a Meskhetian angrily tipped over a table of strawberries being sold by an Uzbek girl .
7 This success lies behind his translation to Canterbury in the following year ; thereafter , until his death in 1381 , he presided over a period of taxation the scale of which exceeded even that of the early years of the reign .
8 Under the 1961 Constitution executive power is vested in the President , who appoints and presides over a Council of Ministers .
9 The administration consists of an executive President who is directly elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term , and who appoints and presides over a Council of Ministers .
10 The Constitution provides for an executive President who is directly elected by universal suffrage for a five-year term , and who appoints and presides over a Council of Ministers .
11 He did n't want to talk about it , and muttered that he 'd resigned over a matter of principle concerning next year 's timetable .
12 Where , well where er disruptive selection i i i is very huge differences between men , male and female and this was then accentuated over a period of time
13 In some cases , purchasers of leasehold properties have made assumptions about the level of service charges they would be required to pay which have subsequently turned out to seriously underestimate the increases which the manager has in fact levied over a number of years .
14 I am very conscious at the time of writing that an Inventory , prepared over a number of years by experts from the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments in Scotland , is being printed and will be published soon .
15 Signe 's apartment was in a small block built over a row of shops .
16 This is allowed for in each instrument and in addition , measurements can be made over a range of temperatures ( 278 to 373 K ) .
17 An appendix to that report on political Union : Law-Making powers and procedures contained a systematic analysis of the important changes which would be made by entry into force of the treaty and compared these with the recommendations made over a number of years in various reports of the Select Committee .
18 Furthermore measurement has usually to be made over a period of time .
19 Police believe the tape was made over a period of time .
20 A few months later , Harry Goodman responded with a full frontal attack , claiming that 9000 children in the care of the RCM had ‘ practically no Jewish contacts and that no effort had been made over a period of years to give these children some religious education ’ .
21 It includes Conwy and Caernarfon , whose castles were only begun in 1283 and not finished until 1292 , and it has therefore been suggested that it was made over a period of years .
22 The blessing itself is made over a cup of wine in honour of the day ( ‘ Blessed art Thou , O Lord our God , King of the universe , who createst divers kinds of spices ’ ) which adds to the light of the Sabbath , symbolised by the candle , offering a fragrance and a beauty all its own .
23 It is named after the book by Stoppani , whose portrait is imposed over a map of Italy on the foil packaging .
24 Ironically , very often it is conservation policies , successfully applied over a period of time , that have made the centre a more attractive investment to owners and increased the value of properties .
25 In a different class of important circuits , positive feedback is applied over a band of frequencies from zero frequency upwards .
26 Where I differ from him is on the nature of the collection as a whole , which to me seems a collection of poems differing in method and indeed quality , written over a period of years , and having two distinct sequences , to the Friend and to the ‘ Dark Lady ’ .
27 Standing exactly where Mao Tse-tung proclaimed the People 's Republic of China on 1 October 1949 , paramount leader Deng Xiaoping joined other party leaders atop the Gate of Heavenly Peace to preside over a night of fireworks and martial music in Tiananmen Square .
28 Had some bold prophet told the King that he was one day to preside over a change of Government wearing a Chinese dressing-gown , he would scarcely have believed his ears .
29 It 's typical of the states I get in here I suddenly told myself that the digging would have to be done over a number of days , the only stupid thing was to expect to do it all in one .
30 Thousands of pounds have been collected over a number of years , resulting in items of new equipment that have each been featured in previous issues of Glenpatrick News .
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