Example sentences of "[verb] down to [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And the times for you getting down to London for the attack on Oliver , if you include the times you — or whoever — were seen in the toilets at Tottenham Court Road , are looking very tight ; there was a delay on all the flights from Edinburgh into Heathrow that day … makes it impossible , really . ’
2 I 'm coming down to leeds for the Man City match in about 3 weeks time .
3 Thought we might go down to Grafton for the Old Boys ’ match against the first XI .
4 Hazel did not come down to London for the weekend .
5 I travelled down to Gateshead for the big meeting there , Great Britain versus the Commonwealth , and was witness to one of the most amazing come-backs in British sprinting history made by , who else , that old war-horse Allan Wells .
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