Example sentences of "[verb] how [adv] he [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He says that he 's only had two letters of objection and adds that he wonders how long he has to carry on to prove to some people that the crematorium is not an environmental hazard .
2 But say the figure had been erm fo he 's travelling at forty eight point three miles an hour , and you want to know how far he 's gone after twenty seven minutes or something , it 's a bit more awkward then so it 'd be easier to look it up on a graph .
3 ‘ We do n't know how far he has to go , but you can be sure others will be back for the horses .
4 When the Shah arrived , Morocco officials evidently did not know how long he planned to stay .
5 Didier hardly noticed how quickly he came to understand and speak English .
6 MY SON is a teacher and I 've seen how hard he has worked to make the new national curriculum a success in his classroom .
7 One : decide what the playwright was trying to do and pronounce how well he has done it .
8 On any page you can see how well he has learned these lessons and like any great novelist he leaves you wondering if you 've ever really used your eyes and ears .
9 His choice of words shows how thoroughly he has identified with his subject , and for what reason .
10 Intuitively she felt the depths of the anguish he 'd suffered , knew without having to be told how hard he had struggled to help his sister , understood how devastating it must have been for him to realise she 'd gone beyond his help .
11 On the other hand , Charles Mackerras ' wonderful pot-pourri of tunes from the Gilbert and Sullivan operas for Pineapple Poll displayed how well he has caught not only the humour but also the pathos of The Bum Boat Woman 's Story .
12 It was irritating how easily he seemed to do several things at once .
13 He batted it away impatiently , not even pausing to consider how quickly he 'd adjusted to Yukio 's death .
14 But he was home , honourably out of the war , everybody saying how well he had done .
15 Indeed the aim of the work was to demonstrate how far he had fallen from ancestral glories , in order that his successors might rectify his errors .
16 He rang off , and Harold thought how well he had taken it .
17 And without giving him the satisfaction of knowing how deeply he had hurt her .
18 The congregation usually watched him with a perverse relish which he mistook for devout attention , but this Sunday afternoon there was palpably an added curiosity to see how well he managed to live down the shaming comedy he had enacted on horseback a few days before .
19 Looking back he said he realised how clumsily he had behaved in certain situations , and indeed what an ‘ unpleasant ’ person ( that was the adjective he used ) he knew he had sometimes been .
20 I do n't give – toss how long he 's had to learn the part or how difficult it 's been .
21 It is up to him to ascertain how far he wishes to travel and by what route .
22 It was strange that she had never thought of him before , for she now remembered how quickly he had learnt poetry when she was helping him learn to read .
23 Can now , can we actually move on a bit because , that has been very valuable what you said , but in fairness to Mr Maxwell it also has to be said does n't it that up until he stole these assets er this process of throwing organisations , peoples monies into a spin dryer and pulling them out of different sort of sequences was something he regularly did and we 've had witnesses to say how well he did manage the funds and how they grew , whether when they should sell stock and when they should n't sell stock and so on .
24 ‘ Just see how carefully he has ordered the universe for our mutual benefit .
25 Jackie wondered how often he had eaten himself to sleep alone in rooms like this and if he had seen much more of Mr Harker than Evelyn , his supposed sister , had .
26 She realized by his use of the word ‘ they ’ instead of ‘ we ’ that he was not a native of the place , and wondered how long he had lived there .
27 It just goes to show how well he 's done , he was playing in the early seventies , but we should win ; what we 've got to do tomorrow is not just win well , but we 've got to pick up those points , we must win .
28 The winger 's dramatically improved form has been a key factor in Norwich 's surprise success and Fox believes that a visit to Manchester United , which also sees the return of £800,000 striker Mark Robins to Old Trafford , will provide the perfect stage to show how far he has progressed .
29 He watched the cars and buses and vans and trucks pass by him , and calculated how far he had to go to get to the next parked car which would shield him from them .
30 Mr Helmsley did not say how long he planned to keep his buildings in mourning , but his wife is expected to be in jail for at least 19 months before she is eligible for parole .
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