Example sentences of "[verb] her [prep] the [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 No matter how hard she protested that The Delinquents was not soft porn , the film transformed her into the sex-siren she secretly desired to become .
2 It annoyed her even more that his continuing aristocratic demeanour disappointed her after the way she had been thinking about him .
3 She was gabbling , her voice breathy and barely under control , because she 'd raised her eyes to his face only to find the expression there more disturbing than the casual masculine pose he 'd adopted , and which had already reminded her of the night she 'd spent in his bed .
4 France and Belgium were the two lesser industrial powers and although France had been a big eighteenth-century producer of coal , her resources were unable to provide her with the fuel she needed for industry on the German scale .
5 When I prised her off and tried to stand her on the floor she kept rocking back and sitting on her tail , then falling over sideways and lying there like a stuffed parrot .
6 Amidst the noise of children shouting , women calling across the alley , and dogs barking , Sarah seemed to hear her father condemning her for the way she had behaved these last months , and her misery grew .
7 But Mrs Noel 's let her into the house you see , normally she does n't let the mother 's come in if she 's trying to help a child with difficulties
8 Under Lily Laverock 's auspices , she came to Vancouver on an annual concert tour , and when Marjorie Agnew and I approached her on the matter she was delighted to become a sponsor .
9 Nothing could have prepared her for the beauty they had just shared , and she knew that for as long as she lived she would never regret giving herself to this man .
10 Dose her with the medicine I 've brought and she 'll be better by tomorrow . ’
11 ‘ In her mind , she 'd twisted her into the daughter she and Gaston never had .
12 He was magnificent , but she must n't let the surge of unexpected excitement running through her blind her to the danger he could be to Dana .
13 It was also reported that a new chapter in Andrew Morton 's controversial biography of the Princess would include details of a letter from the Duke warning her of the damage she was causing the Royal Family .
14 Like a fool I told her about the man I 'd been living with .
15 I rang her every day , but I had n't seen her during the time I 'd been living at Eva 's ; I could n't face any of them in that house .
16 when you come and stay with me , she , anyway she , she would n't , well in the end I just said that 's it I 've had enough I switched the car off and grabbed hold of her I said , frogmarched her in the car I said come on , I 'm going to bed , Rudy 's ready for bed I said I want you with me , so that I can keep me eye on you if I have to sit up all bloody night , of course when she was with me I picked her up and got her strong again and I say you have to be worth it , you 're better off without him then she come round and then she 'd say I know I am I just go down
17 He took her hand , linking his long , hard fingers between hers , joining them in a physical as well as a mental bond , and suddenly Fran knew that she wanted to tell him the one thing that had fashioned her into the woman she was .
18 right with an extra window , whatever about the money , like Mrs what 's her name , so you 've nearly closed her on the conservatory you do all the paper , your order close form on the conservatory and you say to her , right , cos you 're working your sums out , do you want me to include the extra window for two hundred pounds ?
19 The entire world shrank to the mere fifteen feet separating her from the man she had thought never to see again .
20 I mean I have n't thanked her for the money she sent .
21 Forcing her mind away from what Rune had told her about the time he 'd spent with Lotta and how the relationship had evaporated with only the bitter dregs left in evidence , she allowed it to dwell on how they 'd spent the rest of the day .
22 It was doubtful that Lady Claudia would furnish her with the information she needed , no matter how much the family reputation was at stake .
23 In the forest insectivores with non-sociable behaviour , the male pursues the female , courts her , and leads her to the nest he has built .
24 The following evening , when Kathy came to check on her , it was obvious that Clare blamed her for the shape she was in .
25 When we followed her into the bedroom she ordered us out , saying it was no place for kids .
26 Close to , she discovered , Pete smelled of carbolic soap , a dreadful turn-off , and when he kissed her in the dark it was so wet and sloppy she longed only to search for her handkerchief and wipe her mouth dry .
27 Rune had brought her to the home he 'd shared with Lotta for — how long ?
28 And her suppliant 's face , round and even in this twilight , thickly flushed in the hectic way that he had seen before , repulsed him and made him take her by the arm she had raised and move it like a detached limb back to her side .
29 Never , she swore , never would she let life mess her around the way it had messed Scarlet .
30 One thing she had to say about Dad , at least he had prepped her for the world she was going to have to live in .
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