Example sentences of "[verb] also [prep] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Transmitter substances appear also to be released at neuromuscular junctions : there is evidence that glutamate is responsible for transmitting excitation from nerves to muscle ( e.g. Beranek and Miller , 1969 ) and that GABA may act as an inhibitory transmitter at these sites .
2 Oddly , much credit for this advance has also to be given to Pius X who , in 1909 , founded the Biblical Institute ( the Biblicum ) in Rome and handed it over to the charge of the Jesuits , the Dominicans having earlier founded the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem .
3 It has also to be placed in the perspective of European integration . ’
4 But , according to Haksar , what has also to be taken into consideration is the risk of violence that might result from not allowing people to express their feeling and here civil disobedience might be regarded as a safety valve .
5 In the latter illustration consideration has also to be taken of social costs and benefits .
6 Power has also to be looked at in the light of engine capacity and tractor weight .
7 Furthermore , the clinical outcome seemed also to be related to the length of prolonged voluntary anal contraction achieved by patients .
8 The best sources of all are those foods which have a high percentage of fibre and tend also to be consumed in reasonably large quantities … without providing too many calories , if you are slimming !
9 In fact , although frequency of the forms correlated with age , sex and educational differences between speakers , different modal meanings appeared also to be associated with the verb forms as follows : imperfect subjunctive/ [ UNREAL ] ; conditional/ [ POSSIBLE ] ; present/indicative/ [ FACTUAL ] .
10 The defence of the coastline had also to be seen to , and was not infrequently found to be wanting , most particularly when small forces of enemy soldiers attacked the English shore and ravaged villages and towns which they found undefended .
11 While castles might be obtained by purchase , and exchanged to make for a more judicious distribution geographically , they had also to be manned with troops .
12 The funeral liturgy included a mass for the dead , but to take full advantage of the memorial rite , masses had also to be sung on the third , seventh and thirtieth days following burial and , to complete the calendar of commemoration , the ‘ obit ’ : a mass sung on the first anniversary of the death .
13 When either 2 or 6 words had also to be held in memory then reaction times for both hemispheres improved but more so for the left hemisphere than for the right hemisphere , leading to a RVF superiority .
14 To protect the ‘ genuine ’ third party , the consent of the member States had also to be brought to the notice of the other party to the treaty , a non-member of the organisation .
15 They need also to be familiarised with the methods and materials that are used to teach their native language as a foreign language in British schools .
16 ‘ They have also to be congratulated for their willingness to talk openly to outsiders such as school pupils about the problems caused by alcohol dependency in an attempt to help reduce the problem within the community . ’
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