Example sentences of "[verb] me at [art] time [conj] " in BNC.

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1 She could not convince me at the time that anything bad could happen , now that I had finally ‘ solved ’ my eating problems , and for a short time I felt jubilant , relieved and ecstatic .
2 I then did a series of films with Robert de Vicenzo , big money in those days , which convinced me at the time that Roberto would win the 1967 Open .
3 It struck me at the time that there was something rather apt about such a pedestrian people developing such a pedestrian means of covert assassination — ’ He broke off to laugh at his own pun .
4 That was his word , and it struck me at the time that it was extreme language for a man of his temperament .
5 Erm I I 'm speaking from recollection sir at having looked into this in the context of planning appeal which is now a little while ago , but it did strike me at the time that er there was a definite feeling that the agricultural issue was very strong protection of ag agricultural land throughout was a strong issue up to er the mid nineteen eighties and certainly was up to the time in late seventy nine early nineteen eighty and er therefore there was a feeling that Policy E three simply er was supplementary to those other policies .
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