Example sentences of "[verb] my [noun sg] [adv prt] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In fact , I did n't even know McCallen had n't started for I just got my head down and went for it from the fall of the flag .
2 When surveyors started sizing up her land , ‘ I got my shotgun out and showed them the gate , ' she said .
3 I practised sticking my chin out and narrowing my eyes suggestively in the mirror .
4 I squeeze my way up and try my key in the battered , irregular door at the top .
5 I made my way down and photographed these natural sculptures , thinking of the centuries that wind had taken to mould and shape their contours . ’
6 He lifted my chin up and looked into my eyes with a funny , half-actorish solemnity , and said quietly , " I am so glad to see you again . "
7 I put my chin up and tried to stiffen my upper lip , but found I did n't seem to have any muscles in it .
8 I put my head down and kept stroking .
9 I knew there was no time to lose and no point in hesitating — I was going to explode soon — so I put my head down and broke free from Jamie and the girl , running off down the street .
10 I put my hand up and rested it against Toby 's cheek .
11 Well I shall leave you to get on with it , go and put my washing out and go and unload my shopping .
12 I put my cup down and got up out of my beplushed and bedizened chair .
13 Now I know that if I hold my arm up but keep it still she has the benefit of the updraught and will open her wings and take off .
14 I shook my hair back and waved my arms above my head as Pike mopped and mowed in front of me and the band struck up an impromptu tune .
15 I hang my coat up and start to shout and tell those who are hanging around in the corridor to get outside until the bell goes .
16 I will stick my neck out and say that he will be the first superbike home , in at least one race , with Mitchell taking the other .
17 And I think it 's very important that people can come and talk to you and some representative 's of the board because there is unrest Tom and I 'm not prepared to stick my neck out and say in what quarter this lies but it can be got over it can be ironed out because running a theatre is to do with team spirit and that team spirit get 's conveyed to the public .
18 Ah it 's not someth you know , it 's not s something that I 'm prepared to stick my neck out and say , Look you know , I I do n't think that word ought to appear anywhere .
19 There are even a few who I 'm sure do n't have a care in the world , although I 'm almost prepared to stick my neck out and say that they 're in the minority .
20 So I have decided to stick my neck out and to make some predictions for the next 30 years .
21 ‘ I was n't getting any respect , any money ; I could n't even get hold of Richard when I wanted to , so I decided to put my foot down and straighten things out .
22 The words just wo n't come any more , so I 'm going to put my biro down and go off to the post .
23 Sometimes it 's like a sort of spell , and I have to put my tongue out and wrinkle my nose to break it .
24 about it , because you see I do n't want anyone breaking my door down and bashing in , you do n't know who 's who these days , do you and er but you see they , that 's how .
25 I stuck my head out and looked around me .
26 I lift my head up and look down to the floor at the foot of the bed , where Andy is lying curled up in his sleeping bag , unseen in the shadows , which is why I was being quiet .
27 I just hung my head down and did n't say a word .
28 I 'm supposed to keep my head down and stay out of sight .
29 I pulled my window down and twisted round so I could stick my head out .
30 It is a shame in many ways that Robert Harris ' Fatherland ( Arrow ) has such stiff competition in the same area , for judging by the hardcover success I , along with Arrow , have stuck my neck out and made it a Giant .
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