Example sentences of "[verb] my [noun] [conj] give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He read my amusement and gave me a twisted grin .
2 ‘ You mean , if you cut that picture up into four — which would be a distinctly pro-life act if you want my opinion and gave it to four different restorers , they 'd each stop at a different point ? ’
3 I ad-libbed for a few minutes while the re-take was set up and they warmed to me , which boosted my confidence and gave me the edge .
4 I ca n't tell anyone , she thought ; people would n't believe me , they 'd just pat my hand and give me tranquillizers .
5 Excuse me , I must lift my cane and give my chaplain a good thwack across the knuckles .
6 So thank you for approaching us , I wish you all the best , I ‘ ll hop off soon and catch my bus And give my brain a rest !
7 I opened my eyes and gave him a puzzled look .
8 So I raised my arm and gave them a very big thumbs-down .
9 If I renounced my Fenian oath he would hear my confession and give me communion .
10 Now , now that all was lost , lost too was the vanity of the bulging notebook , the diversity of material , the forward-looking pleasure of unpacking my treasures and giving them some kind of independent life .
11 Again they swallowed my story and gave me a year 's conditional discharge .
12 He glanced across the table , saw me smiling , interpreted my thought and gave me a slow ironic blink .
13 ‘ Certainly , ’ he said , as if he had never seen me before , took my money and gave me a ticket .
14 I might as well just save my pound and give it to whoever fucking wins that thing cos I 've never won it .
15 At least I admit that it 's all to boost my ego , restore my pride and give me pleasure , not to save the country or uphold justice or honour the dead .
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