Example sentences of "[verb] them [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Class 50 refurbishment programme was completed , although they are destined for a short life , while limited work was also carried out on Class 20s , 26s and 33s to see them through to the arrival of new designs .
2 There are outright racists holding Tory membership cards and I want to see them out of the party . ’
3 The noise is formidable , for the rocks clatter and bang away down a steel chute that dumps them back on the ground .
4 Denis Smith says it was an interesting game and his team played well … it was a hard game … but after four defeats it was just the result they wanted and will help build them up for the rest of the season
5 ‘ You bring them on from the time they 're little , and they think they 've got it made , then — wallop . ’
6 Yes , that was some time ago when I was working as a hostess with the British Council and used to collect meet VIPs at the station and bring them here to the university .
7 He would help fructify their holdings , bring them up in the world where they should be .
8 Fathers , do not exasperate your children ; instead , bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord ( Eph. 6:1–4 ) .
9 Paul 's direction to parents is contained in the words , ‘ Fathers , do not exasperate your children ; instead , bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord ’ ( Eph. 6:4 ) .
10 Y'know you a you 're going along and they 'll say group , and you write therapy or something y'know and you 've done it and you think whoops and you just hope , and the worst thing is when they say Smith and Jones and you put seventy nine in and you think , shit and y'know they get the thing slightly wrong Draw up a revision plan , pick out the topics that you 're going to revise Any problems , bring them along to the seminar .
11 so if I bring them down on the floor , you know that if they say maybe naughty
12 Nevertheless there is little doubt that in the cases of Frederick and Joseph at least a feeling that an enlightened ruler ought to be above merely personal and family considerations , that it was his duty to sacrifice them ruthlessly on the altar of the State , was a factor in their behaviour to their own blood relations .
13 Instead of seeing them individually in the privacy of his study , he arranged regular ‘ Sharing Jesus ’ evenings to which the baptism families and wedding couples were invited .
14 Anyone seeing them together on the common outside Oswaldston would have taken them for husband and wife , though Hilary was by nearly three years the younger .
15 I bang on them , drag them all over the place , throw them around ! ’
16 And the boyfriend -when the mother kicks them out of the home — the boyfriend says , " Uh-oh , she 's out on the street now , and pregnant . "
17 She had brought things to make their evening meal and she emptied them on to the work-counter : wine , cheese , spinach , onions , bread , the pink-white tines of a rack of lamb , as if all the promise of their future lay in the guarantee of such ordinariness being possible .
18 She handed two packets and a wafer to the boy , who had finished wiping the mattresses down and had leant them up against the wall to dry .
19 Counting out seven pound notes , he laid them carefully on the table .
20 Very slowly she took the headphones off and laid them carefully on the table , her eyes never leaving Luke 's for a moment .
21 He laid them out on the desk , got a plastic bag out of the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet and swept all the bits and pieces into it .
22 She rolled the two cloaks into a bundle and laid them down on the shore where the tide could come and take them .
23 The man with the shears laid them down on the grass , took a handkerchief from his pocket , made a knot in each of its four corners and placed this improvised sun-hat on his head .
24 To the uninitiated it might seem that the shunters are engaged in a game of hide-and-seek with the trucks ; they appear to scatter them all over the yard , as if their object were to separate many of them as completely as possible .
25 And you get twenty back do n't you , when you sell them back to the bank or whoever ?
26 The mathematics were simple : £10,000 would enable them to fatten up their piglets , sell them off in the autumn , clear their overdraft and continue preserving all the surviving Old Spot bloodlines .
27 The captain of the guard led them on to the scaffold , a scrawny-faced clerk gabbled out the sentence of the court .
28 She led them slowly through the graveyard to the burial site .
29 She crossed to the doorway and led them away from the shed .
30 They were ready now , and he led them back to the Saloon .
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