Example sentences of "[verb] when he [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They belong to the work which he disowned and attempted to destroy when he relaunched himself with ‘ Three Studies for Figures at the base of a Crucifixion ’ ( 1944 ) , the triptych which opens all conventional accounts of Bacon 's art .
2 Father hated to be disturbed when he had anybody with him and I could see he was annoyed so I made myself scarce ; I mean I did n't stay to say what I wanted . ’
3 Ackroyd 's truest prose occurs when he applies himself to the imitation of ancient and recent writers — a repertoire of others .
4 Other women at the city council office where he worked hid when he chased them with a syringe filled with water , it was claimed yesterday .
5 ‘ What 's — the matter this morning ? ’ she said , in the voice she had used when he asked her for an off-games note .
6 She handed him the long cane , and flinched when he swished it through the air to produce a vicious , menacing whistle .
7 Fran must have made some noise , some movement , some tiny betraying gesture , because he swung round , his face hardening when he saw her in the doorway .
8 ‘ You , nervous ! ’ she scoffed , and did n't resist when he took her in his arms , cradling her close to his heart .
9 One result of this difference of reference is that it is possible to construct sentences which will be analytic or contradictory on the one interpretation but not on the other : ( 11 ) Nikolai offered us the message decoded but it was not decoded when he offered it to us 4.2 One curious feature about these adjectives is that they somehow seem to modify not only the noun which they accompany but simultaneously the verb as well ; if this is a genuine observation it will be surprising on general grounds , since it would be decidedly abnormal in syntax for one element to simultaneously qualify two different items .
10 ‘ Agent Somerville , ’ he boomed when he heard her on the line , ‘ get after him . ’
11 She was curious as to how he felt when he saw her at the docks the other day .
12 The poem is remarkable for its Gothic horrors and its energy , for example : This is not a ‘ Wordsworthian ’ view of Nature , but it helps to explain what the poet meant when he told us in The Prelude that he was haunted by mysterious ‘ presences ’ during childhood and youth ; The Vale of Esthwaite anticipates The Prelude in other ways — the interest is in the mind of the poet , and the effect of the imagination on landscape .
13 There was a certain speculation in her glance now when she looked at him ; she listened when he advised her on her investment portfolio , and — increasingly — she took his advice .
14 doubt when he gives them to thingy me bob
15 Their pay was , however , increased when he loaned them to Madame Rasimi to work in Lyons and Bordeaux , and they were proud to be able to send almost ten shillings weekly to their mothers .
16 But as Chomsky himself remarked when he abandoned them with some reluctance as theoretical constructs , these kernel sentences actually have considerable intuitive appeal .
17 Peter took the end of a candle from his pocket , and his hand was shaking when he lit it with a match .
18 It had ended when he knocked her to the ground and slammed out of the room , hearing her laughter following him down the corridor .
19 I wan na start when he says something for with .
20 He paused when he saw her by the iron railings that separated mown lawn from pasture .
21 Ooh you want to tell her when he goes when he leaves me in here with this door unlocked !
22 Kurt Masur conducted one of the finest ‘ live ’ performances of this piece I have ever heard when he conducted it with the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra in Nottingham during an English tour a few years ago .
23 ‘ You remember how angry Alain became when he saw me with that book ? ’ she said .
24 A COMPUTER expert was sacked when he handcuffed himself to his woman boss while she was on the phone to a customer .
25 The blue eyes regarded the world with the slightly cynical assurance of a man accustomed to getting what he wanted when he wanted it by the simplest of expedients , that of paying for it .
26 I remember him chuckling when he told me about the big farm men who came to have their teeth extracted .
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