Example sentences of "[verb] when [pron] [be] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 There is , however , a danger here that older people will be infantilised when it is implied that they are no longer competent and able to discriminate for themselves .
2 Two days after its signing , Joyce went to England and joined the army , but was discharged when it was discovered that he was only sixteen .
3 This was not pursued when it was realised that quite small countries like Ireland could become significant contributors .
4 But this question was quickly resolved when it was discovered that Coggan much preferred moving to York and not London .
5 This was agreed in February 1906 and at the same time the order for a further 14 cars of the smaller type , to work the Sutton route , was cancelled when it was realized that the fifteen ‘ Croydon & District ’ cars dumped on the site of Mitcham Road Depôt ( Aurelia Road ) would have to be taken into the South Metropolitan fleet .
6 This theory was threatened when it was discovered that many substances gain weight after combustion .
7 Yes of course maybe play acting when they 're doing that they 're more conscious of the way they 're speaking and they probably want to make it right with what they think it should be .
8 The crunch came when it was realised that these competent women had a propensity to marry ( Martindale , 1939 ) .
9 that 's another story with a an unusual ending cos I 'd have thought when you were saying that he was n't that he did n't give them the
10 ‘ The manager was told when he was appointed that his was a pressure job and that the pressure would increase with good results or bad .
11 The full measure of that remark may be gauged when it is recalled that he was a senior member of the University Senate and a Fellow of Peterhouse , Cambridge .
12 All of this should be easily understood when it is realised that the effect of the contract being avoided or frustrated is generally that the parties are no longer required to carry out the contract ; they are excused .
13 This goal is about to be reached when it is discovered that a great deal more investment is required .
14 The row , which has prompted calls from some staff for both to resign , began when it was disclosed that the £140,000-a-year director general Birt had been employed as a freelance to gain tax advantages .
15 Ministers believed the same , asserting as had been asserted when they were created that they were in some way different from the universities .
16 He said : ‘ What is the housewife going to do when she is told that the price of her electricity has now reached 10 pence per unit .
17 Then she had been forced to leave when it was discovered that her real father was a white man .
18 Sometimes historians assume when they are writing that this context already exists in the mind of the reader ( e.g. that you are familiar with a particular person or idea ; that you have background knowledge of a topic ) .
19 The Conservative Education Association also condemned the government plan and opposition mounted when it was learned that the government planned to cut education spending in London by 40 per cent following abolition of the ILEA .
20 Hunt overtook Lauda to win the Spanish Grand Prix at Jarama , the fourth of the championship , but then the season-long wrangling and arguing started when it was ruled that Hunt 's car was 1.8 cm ( 0.7 in ) too wide and he was stripped of his points , Lauda being promoted to first place .
21 This new decision , however , was overruled when it was discovered that its passage would require a larger majority .
22 That motivation disappeared when it was discovered that the universe is expanding .
23 Mm , mm its one of the great arguments from the old fashioned sort of religion , that you could turn , you could definitely turn to people and say why are you leaning on me so hard , for all this to fought , you ought to be reading your bible , saying your prayers , going to church and getting in touch with the boss why I laughed when they were saying that Terry Waite would need counselling , I bet that Terry Waite was praying his head off and he 'd memorised masses of the bible which he would be reciting to himself probably set himself two o'clock every afternoon , I remember what I can , book of you know I do n't suppose he 'd needed any counselling , he 'd probably do better counselling other people .
24 Apparently much amusement was caused when it was learned that the bill for the work was even more excessive than the shape of the statues .
25 The shock/horror disclosure that children were watching video nasties in vast numbers was severely criticised when it was found that the research had undergone a little trimming with a chain-saw here and there .
26 The scale of the potential danger emerged when it was revealed that the dam holds back an estimated 3.5 million tons of toxic sludge from a now-closed lead and zinc mine nearby , containing harmful levels of these and other metals .
27 The conclusive proof that the horse was being unconsciously cued by the questioner emerged when it was shown that if the questioner was ignorant of the answer to the question , the horse could not provide one either .
28 This is what is meant when it is reported that a result , according to a particular test , is significant at , say , the 0.001 level .
29 And what impact it had made was soon dissipated when it was realized that the ‘ total ’ war was still only partial after all , and that the well-to-do and high-and-mighty were still able to avoid the burdens which fell on ordinary people .
30 The dramatic irony was further heightened when it was revealed that the botanist and would-be cryptographer was indeed engaged in an extra-marital affair .
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